Latest Pics of the Babies

I threw my sweatshirt on the floor so she sleeps on it, isn't that cool.
I'd take pics of my cats if the fuckers would ever sit still long enough. I guess I could try the fish. BRB.
This is my big one, Jack. He's a Jack Dempsey. Got another scientific name, but I can't spell, nor pronounce it.
Ok, found one of em. This is Charles. Someday when I don't post here anymore, chances are it is because Charles killed me and my family in our sleep. We love Charles, we just don't like the way he looks at us.
It certainly looks like he could give you the 'evil eye'! LOL!
I have lots of parrots. We used to breed them, but I found that I could no longer part with the babies, so I stopped the breeding. :(
We've got another cat around here somewhere, a calico named Pandora. She may be outside, the cats come and go at will. She'll probably want in around 3:00am. Bitch.

Yes they are. I let her in just a few minutes ago, got the camera, now I can't find her. I swear they can get behind the walls or teleport or something.
I even tried feeding them, I think they know I want to take their picture, therefore, they will stay hidden until I don't want to take their picture anymore.
Ardsgaine said:
Cat's are all servants of Satan.

what you got against cats ards?? i love cats!! they rock and for the most part they are loving and loveable i only met one mean cat in all my 23 years. and your dogs are adorable too puter!! animals so rock!
My husband had a Jack, well, originally he had 2, until one ate tthe other one. That fish was an asshole, I swear. He ate ALL the other fish, except the algae eaters...and he used to snap at people when they walked by the tank. He lived about 5 years and I bet he weighed 10 or 20 pounds.

All the furry critters are cool PT...:cool: