Latest Pics of the Babies

unclehobart said:
puter.. bottom line... how many heartbeats are present in your house? Im thinking 14.
8 people. 3 dogs. 2 cats. 4 fish at the moment. So..

17. That's not counting the Hamster that we can't find right now, but I'm pretty sure Charles took care of him. :shrug:
Leslie said:
Your Jack looks good and healthy, we had one for awhile.

He's a little over two years old right now, before him I had Oscars, then one day, my tank decided it didn't like Oscars. My big one (10 Inch) died, I got two babies, they died. Got one more, it died. I had a few other fish in the tank at the time, and they all survived, so I still don't know what it was.
No, just a variety of Cichlids, One of them I still have now, he's about 10 years old, but won't come out from behind his rock unless it's time to eat. Even then if I'm standing there with the camera, he won't come out. I'd have to get all the rocks out to get a decent pic, and that would stress him pretty bad, I'm afraid. Otherwise I've got one other Cichlid, about a year old, and a Plecostomaous (SP?). (Algae Eater).
This is what the one that is about a year old looks like. He's pretty skittish too, all I can get is a blur, so I lifted this off of Google.
They can get Huge. Mines only about 5 inches, and has been for over a year. I had a friend who had a 110 gallon tank that had one get over a foot. Never seen one this big though.
I've never had luck with live plants. They'd grow, but I always thought they looked real nasty. :shrug: I did put a pond in at my Mother-In-Laws though a couple years ago, not Koi, just bait shop goldfish. They've been alive for two years now.
Squiggy said:
GeekGurlSS said:
so I stopped the breeding. :(

I sure hope you meant that you stopped breeding parrots....Otherwise it'll break my heart....:D

LOL! Yes, I meant that I stopped breeding my parrots. They still try though, ;) I just take the eggs away so they won't incubate I guess technically, they're just 'practicing'. I only 'practice' too... :wink2:
You know what Squigg, I have a 30 gallon tank and two filters just sitting here. I simply don't have the room to do that anymore; keeping an aquarium. I had so many fish at one point and I tried to keep up on the ph levels, cleaning, vacuuming, etc. but over time, they all died.

Puter, you put in a pond yourself? That's cool! It had to have a filtration system right? I've found goldfish to be very dirty. Given that regular goldfish can grow as big as Koi, the more room the better I guess!
Yep, I first looked at the liner she got, I thought, no big deal. It didn't look that big. JESUS!!! It took me all of a weekend just to dig the hole big enough for it. Then the sand, getting it all just right, but by the next weekend I was filling it up. The goldfish were bait size, about 1" to 1 1/2", now they are around 6 inches. She feeds them all the time though too. The filitration is just an underwater pump that runs through a foam filter, then down over some rocks to go back into the pond. I'd take a pic, but it's all covered up right now, of course. If I remember to, I'll take a pic of it this summer.