laundry is done

Professur said:
Great. Then you'll be a certified, unemployed geek.
Actually no... why do you think I got the ECDL as well?... I hate office admin but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do and if I have to do some shitty office job for a while when I'm looking for a tech job then so be it... :crying4:

It may also be the only way for me to gradually build up the stamina I need to work full time, I'm definately not capable right now. Because of my health condition I get too tired. I may also have to accept the possibility that I may never be able to work full time, but I'm gonna give it a damn good go before that happens.

Also unlike all you able bodied folks I won't be looking for work on my own... because of my disability I get help if I voluntarily join the New Deal for the Disabled from a Job Broker who will try to match me to a suitable job... which includes a £40 a week subsidy for the first year... which I'm hoping will be long enough for me to work up to full-time work. There's also unpaid placements that I can try initially where I keep my benefits to see if I can actually physically do the work, etc. I'm just getting my quals and trying to get fitter before I do this. If it doesn't work out I can go back on full benefits, I don't lose my long term entitlement to the higher rates of incapacity benefit.
It's good that you're TRYING to work. I think that's all that should be asked of people with disabilities...but some people who probably COULD work or who could atleasy TRY just hide behind their disabilities...I know someone who didn't go to college cause he couldn't be arsed, wouldn't take a job in a call centre (not even an incoming call centre) and just lived home on disability...he had a car and everything! He has spina bifida...he couldn't stand for long but if he'd been willing to try he'd have been able to find he has his own business which I believe is crashing and burning. So, anyway, back on topic...GOOD FOR YOU AUNTY!
I've got things I want to do with my life Nixy and I can't do them without money. While disability just about covers living expenses it only allows me to do the things I do because I go without things that other people seem to think are essential so that I can get what I want. I don't want to spend the rest of my life living like that, I want to travel and see the world and do things I find interesting and and rewarding, and I can't do that without money, so I NEED to work to make my life worthwhile, or I'm just sitting here waiting to die and to me that isn't a life.

I'm putting the past behind me and looking to the future. As part of that I've an appointment with a solicitor on Tuesday to sort out my divorce - I've been seperated since '97, but I guess because of Katie, I never took the final step. I want to be free to pursue my own interests without impediments and now there is no longer a barrier to that final step. It's also pretty much why I've never become involved with anyone else because even though I was seperated I was still married. It's a loose end that needs tidying away.