Leaving the left

Gonz said:
Don't hold your breath. He's losing credibility by the minute.

We will see. If you lose credibility with one person, you gain it with another.

That's what makes politics fun, the speculation.
I contend that the far-left liberal of whom this person speaks is a minority, albeit a loud and squeeky wheel type of minority, reactionary at best to an equally loud and squeeky wheel minority far-right conservative. Both extremes are ridiculous and comical in their ideals. To paint the entire liberal-minded populace with the same brush as the extreme is unfair, to say the least.

With this in mind, I hold the same disdain towards both extremes, including those who would say that anything or anyone who stands opposed to the majority or the GVT currently in power as 'anti-American' . Might as well start crying out "Might makes Right" or "Better Dead than Red" in the streets again.

Feh! :p
SouthernN'Proud said:
I contend they voted for the lesser of two evils in their eyes.

W has disappointed me, and I'm a card-carrying Republican. Still, I'd vote for him tomorrow again over whatever his name was...Kerry, that's right.

As to what Americans want, most don't even know what they want. And since when did Warshinton care what Americans want anyway?
If it had been someone more believeable and intelligent than Kerry, would s/he have taken your vote?

Just curious.
MrBishop said:
If it had been someone more believeable and intelligent than Kerry, would s/he have taken your vote?

Just curious.

Well, you have to consider that I have seen houseplants more intelligent than Kerry, so...

I almost always vote Republican because my own convictions lead me toward most of their platform. But I have supported independents and even a stray Democrat when their contentions warranted it. I don't owe anybody lifetime blanket support.
I'd have voted for Leiberman.

However, if it's a choice between Bush and Kerry, or Dean, or pretty much anyone else the Dems had in that sad-sack field last time, it's Bush in a landslide.

Frankly, I'd have preferred to go Libertarian, but their candidate was a full-time loser in the foreign affairs arena.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Well, you have to consider that I have seen houseplants more intelligent than Kerry, so...
I feel the same way about Dubya. Frankly, the man must've bought his MBA. He can't seem to even explain the most basic of economic priciples without tripping over his own tongue...unless he follows his scripts closely, he strikes me as a buffoon.

Mind you, I can't vote in your elections. :shrug:
MrBishop said:
anything or anyone who stands opposed to the majority or the GVT currently in power as 'anti-American' .

Those who stand with those written of in this piece are the same who think that opposition must always equate to anti-American. Opposing GW, or any other party/pol, is not anti-American. Backing the enemy & not following the Constitution is.

Better dead than red still applies.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I contend they voted for the lesser of two evils in their eyes.

In most elections, I'd agree with you. However, look at the trend since 1980. We've made a collective decision & are moving to the right, by choice. McCain, the centrist was not our choice. Neither was far left Howie Dean.
Opposing GW, or any other party/pol, is not anti-American. Backing the enemy & not following the Constitution is.

I will agree with this but it has seemed that not backing Dubya was considered anti American
Gonz said:
Backing the enemy & not following the Constitution is.

Better dead than red still applies.
The thing is that people who are against Bush and his war are being called for 'supporting the enemy' :shrug:

Its a war of words and labels.
MrBishop said:
The thing is that people who are against Bush and his war are being called for 'supporting the enemy' :shrug:

Its a war of words and labels.
Just curious Mr. B, but what do you think the correct and total coarse of action
should have been for what happened to the trade centers, and the people in them?
catocom said:
Just curious Mr. B, but what do you think the correct and total coarse of action should have been for what happened to the trade centers, and the people in them?
Since when does Iraq have anything to do with 9/11?
Most people, even the left, had no issues with taking Afghanistan on for their involvment in 9/11.
MrBishop said:
Most people, even the left, had no issues with taking Afghanistan on for their involvment in 9/11.

I had an f'ing hippie roommate who joined in protests over the Afghanistan war. Some people aren't happy unless they are angry.
MrBishop said:
Since when does Iraq have anything to do with 9/11?
Most people, even the left, had no issues with taking Afghanistan on for their involvment in 9/11.
So your saying we should have invaded Afghanistan, and then left it at that?

Hmm let me see...What does Irag have to do with 9/11?
It's not just Iraq either. It's anywhere that there were/are terrorist...World-wide.

Are you saying that you don't think there are terrorists in Iraq?
IMO Iraq was just the next on the list after Afghanistan. More to follow.

Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11 directly? The jury is still out on that one IMO.
catocom said:
Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11 directly? The jury is still out on that one IMO.

Uh...the Bush administration came out and said Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. A long time ago.
Well Duh! But Iraq has EVERYTHING to do with
the fight against worldwide terrorism. Yep.

Do ya need to have that 'splained to ya? Well Do Ya?
MrBishop said:
Bush and his war

Yep. it was some good old American flyboys that spiralled them big engine jets into our highrises & Pentagon not some Islamic fascist. This is Bushs war, he started it, he starts everything. He's the dumbest man alive, especially when he's beating the Dems.
MrBishop said:
Most people, even the left, had no issues with taking Afghanistan on for their involvment in 9/11.


I remember the newscasts when we decided to go in. A multitude of College Students (go figure) took to the streets in protest. Mostly out of fear for a draft...It's been like that since Vietnam. The US takes any kind of military action, and the college students go into an anti-war frenzy, forgetting that it's guys like me, who are actually in the military, protecting their right to protest. I call it "Elitest idiocy in action".
Gato_Solo said:

I remember the newscasts when we decided to go in. A multitude of College Students (go figure) took to the streets in protest. Mostly out of fear for a draft...It's been like that since Vietnam. The US takes any kind of military action, and the college students go into an anti-war frenzy, forgetting that it's guys like me, who are actually in the military, protecting their right to protest. I call it "Elitest idiocy in action".

See, now I think it's simply that they think it's trendy to protest stuff. You'll be lucky if 3% have any idea of the real issue. You're giving most of them too much credit.