Legally Armed Man Protesting at 0bama Townhall

Yup...and when you combine mental illness with a cause and a get people like McVeigh and people like Bin Laden.

Answer: The difference is some are home grown, live next door and are ignored by the general populace because they aren't considered dangerous..they're just exercising their rights. The other group are foreigners, ont he other side of the ocean, and don't have a nice excuse.
The biggest difference is the culture and rule of Law where Arab terrorists are spawned. Given similar conditions I bet per capita we would have more murderous maniacs then they do.
All our idiots who like to kill have to do is join Blackwater, or take a job from the back of Soldier of Fortune magazine. Most of those nuts don't really even have a cause other than a desire to kill and sadism.
Ditto here...but the stubbies have gone the way of the Dodo. :(
Praise the lord. Small town NZ still have 'em. Nothin' like seeing a giant-ass trucker in teeny tiny shorts (aka stubbies).
Valk..with all due respect. If your GVT goes back to being fascist like a year ago, you could own as many handguns and longarms as you'd like, but it ain't going to stop your GVT from running railroad all over you. By the time enough people got organized enough to actually revolt, they'd be met at the front door by enough cops and security people to stop ten times their number in their tracks.

That's what Bush's Homeland Security is all about... protect America from all comers..foreign or domestic. Protect the status quo.
I was explaining the history of the (USA's) Second Amendment.

Bush was not as successful in removing ALL of the citizens' rights, but he was working on it pretty hard. I predict we will see these rolled back within the next 3 years.

'Meri-kins don' cottin' ta havin' their rights ripped from 'em. 'Speshilly Tex'ns. ;)
Not one right was taken from you.



dude you are truly amazing. if a democrat admin had tried to do what bush did you'd have taken up arms and spouted an endless torrent about the constitution and shit.

so much for principles huh?
Show me the law, or executive order, that rescinded any rights.

If you recall, I did say that, during time of war, our nations has historically placed more limits on Americans. It's to be expected.

I also never supported Homeland Security.

However, as spike points out, warrantless wiretaps...what right is being denied? It was also upheld by a court. Do we have the RIGHT to private conversations on a public conveyance? That's worthy of discussion.

As for being held indefinately...has an American been taken from American soil & held? The folks at Gitmo are at war with us, not subject to civil courts.
As for being held indefinately...has an American been taken from American soil & held?

What is wrong with your memory?

"Padilla was arrested in Chicago on May 8, 2002, and was detained as a material witness until June 9, 2002, when President George W. Bush designated him an illegal enemy combatant and transferred him to a military prison, arguing that he was thereby not entitled to trial in civilian courts."é_Padilla_(prisoner)
So, you were wrong.

he conspired to kill people in an overseas jihad and to fund and support overseas terrorism

Hey look, war on terror stuff.

Privacy is a fallacy. Never had a right to it.
Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

That is not privacy.