Let me be the first


molṑn labé
Staff member
to start a thread about Star Wars 6 (or is it 3?)

May 19, 2005

official title
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

This is going to be a long year. Let the foolishness begin now. :D

I have been hearing some good things about it though I am reluctant to believe since I and II were so crappy
The end of the movei is supposed to be the final transformation from Young skywalker to Dark Vader...should be interesting :)

The title is already getting some flack.

I won't wait until DVD, but I prolly won't see it until it's been out for at least 1 month.

I can't abide fighting for a decent seat.
The teaser trailer will be available soon, perfectly post-scheduled with the dvd release of the original trilogy.
unclehobart said:
If its as poorly directed as the last two, I will not want to see it.

Heya Unc, long time no see. You a rock star yet?

For some reason i no longer have this need. Moderately directed poor acted movies don't seem to bother me like they once did as long as the eyecandy pleases. It's probably a good thing since there's so much shite on the market today. I hadn't seen either of the first two at the theatre but my older more conservative and forgiving self will, for one of the few times in my life, wait in line to see this movie.
Ja Ja or no Ja Ja. :D

Ah crap that was July when Unc posted. Oh well... :blank:
staffrodore said:
Why, dear God why?

can anyone tell me why they need to continue with this saga?
staffrodore said:
Why, dear God why?

can anyone tell me why they need to continue with this saga?

like Gonz said it is a saga that has made millions. and has a huge cult following.