Let the assault begin


molṑn labé
Staff member
"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons,"


It's ok. He doesn't want YOUR guns.
To me, owning an assault rifle is...pointless. What could its use be? Art Deco on the living room wall?
Hunting with them is the equivalent of driving a stock car to work. Shotguns are much more effective in close quarter situations like home defense. You can't carry any type of long gun for personal protection.

Assault rifles are military hardware and should remain that way.
I have a completely different take. I think assault rifles should be allowed, even fully automatic. You see that is what the constitution was aimed at. The people should have the right to be armed and even if need be wage armed rebellion against oppression. It's handguns that ought to be removed from society. Concealed weapons are most likely to be turned against the user, and invaluable as tools of crime, most likely to cause accidental injury, and the list goes on....

Oh and about this outlaw handguns and only outlaws will have handguns nonsense. Sure, in the beginning it would be absolutely true, but as time went on and more and more got seized, perhaps it would be a measure that actually curbs crime eventually.
To me, owning an assault rifle is...pointless. What could its use be? Art Deco on the living room wall?
Hunting with them is the equivalent of driving a stock car to work. Shotguns are much more effective in close quarter situations like home defense. You can't carry any type of long gun for personal protection.

Assault rifles are military hardware and should remain that way.

they're really fun to shoot. that's reason enough to keep them around. and yeah, shotguns kill the shit out of everything at closer ranges, so hey, if some whacko is gonna go shoot up a school... maybe we should ban shotguns too! weeee! nah...
...perhaps it would be a measure that actually curbs crime eventually.

um, it's pretty much been shown consistently that handgun bans don't really do much. it's also been shown that increases in the number of concealed handguns through shall-issue laws have not led to more violence. prove me wrong. i dare you.

plus, shooting handguns is fun. please don't try to take away my fun, you big meanie.
You see that is what the constitution was aimed at. The people should have the right to be armed and even if need be wage armed rebellion against oppression.

for the sake of certain powerful someones you better hope not. i can see where under the exact circumstances this could happe. not remotely likely, but under certain exact circumstances certainly within the realm of possibility

not that i am endorsing that, because i am not. just saying
To me, owning an assault rifle is...pointless. What could its use be? Art Deco on the living room wall?
Hunting with them is the equivalent of driving a stock car to work. Shotguns are much more effective in close quarter situations like home defense. You can't carry any type of long gun for personal protection.

The Second Amendment is not about hunting. It is about taking down an abusive tyrannical government if the need ever occurs. we live in the only country on earth that gives us that option.

The only question you have to answer is this:

If the Second Amendment is for firearms to remain in the hands of the people to use against a tyrannical government; why, then, is that same government so anxious to remove those firearms from the hands of its citizenry?

Assault rifles are military hardware and should remain that way.

The anti gunners said that assault weapons are a "weapon of war" and should be banned. The same people also stated that handguns "serve no militia purpose" and should be banned.

So the weapons wish can serve a militia purpose should be banned and the weapons which serve no militia purpose should be banned.

Today, your SKS or AR-15.

Tomorrow, your Remington 700 or model 10 shotgun.

Get it?

By the way, if you have a shotgun and the bad guy is holding your kid, just how useful is it? You could take the shot with a handgun. You can't with a shotgun.
I have a completely different take. I think assault rifles should be allowed, even fully automatic. You see that is what the constitution was aimed at. The people should have the right to be armed and even if need be wage armed rebellion against oppression. It's handguns that ought to be removed from society.

Happy to see your opinion on assault rifles and their intended use.

Concealed weapons are most likely to be turned against the user, and invaluable as tools of crime, most likely to cause accidental injury, and the list goes on....

Then handguns must have no use as a defensive weapon at all and every cop on the face of the Earth who carries one is an idiot to think there life could possibly be saved by one.

By the way, the 43:1 Kellerman study has been thoroughly debunked. The antis still love to use it as fact, though.

Oh and about this outlaw handguns and only outlaws will have handguns nonsense. Sure, in the beginning it would be absolutely true, but as time went on and more and more got seized, perhaps it would be a measure that actually curbs crime eventually.

There are over 100 million handguns in private possession. Only about one million are used in crimes. Statistically, they would have to seize 100 handguns to remove the one handgun which would be used in a crime.

You might find this article an interesting read.

Anyway, its been fun but you all need to go HERE and read the thread -- especially POST #31 and POST #53.

Pelosi has effectively cut the legs out from under this thing and you can bet your sweet one that Holder will be getting a lecture on not letting the cat out of the bag.
It is about taking down an abusive tyrannical government if the need ever occurs.


Assault rifles will be the deciding factor if the people rise up against the government because they are so useful against aircraft and armored vehicles.

Wanna try again?
Remind me about the awesome hardware the Afgans used to hold off the Russian army for ... how many years .... and is holding off the US army just as effectively. Bolt action WWI equipment, intelligently used.

As for military equipment for your home ...

I've said it before .. gun legislation only disarms the sheeple. Criminals won't give a damn about the laws anyhow, make as many as you like. Hard core gun nuts won't either, you'll just drive them underground, and make them that much more dangerous. Neither is what the gov't ever worries about. They're worried that the common herdbeast is gonna realize they're being fed on and pull another French revolution.

As for crime ... when is the last time a cop stopped a crime? Investigated after the fact, perhaps, but stopped a crime? Doesn't happen. And given that they're looking to release 50,000 criminals from Calif. prisons for lack of funding .... what criminal is going to fear getting caught?
Remind me about the awesome hardware the Afgans used to hold off the Russian army for ... how many years .... and is holding off the US army just as effectively. Bolt action WWI equipment, intelligently used.

Afganistan is not a good example. For starters, they have never been conquered in their history. The mountains provide too good hiding for the opposition and tribal rule means no centralized government to topple. Secondly, the Soviets were doing a number on them till the US stepped in and gave them all sorts of military hardware, most notably the stinger missiles. Once the stingers were in play, the Russians gunships lost their effectiveness against the Afgan ground troops. As a final point, the US currently has only around 12,000 troops there now. Not exactly the force the Russians put on the ground there.
Remind me about the awesome hardware the Afgans used to hold off the Russian army for ... how many years .... and is holding off the US army just as effectively. Bolt action WWI equipment, intelligently used.

nah dude they've all got AKs and grenade launchers. dude i was sitting next to on the plane home a couple nights ago was there 2 years ago, told me that a guy in a village offered "for $50 you can shoot a cow with a grenade launcher."

yeah too bad this guy was short on money at that point. he really regretted now blowing up the cow. i know i would.
The point was, any weapon .... is a weapon. It's far better to be underarmed than disarmed.

In WWII, the allies dropped one shot pistols into france, with the instructions to use it to shot a Nazi, and then take his weapon and ammo. As for fighting american forces on US soil ... hell, they can hardly get them to fight in Iraq. I have serious doubts as to their effectiveness against citizens. The police and National guard, on the other hand ... have been well trained against the US public.
Assault rifles will be the deciding factor if the people rise up against the government because they are so useful against aircraft and armored vehicles.

When those armored vehicles are on your side, it's not such a problem.

US Military Oath said:
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Defend the Constitution first & foremost.