Let the assault begin

Actually, the US army isn't legally allowed to go to war on US soil. Only the National guard can. That's why there's been a large movement in politics concerning treaties to have Canadian and Mexican troops posted to the US in case of civil unrest, and vice versa.

that would go over really well.

let's get the mexican army to go quell upstart secessionists in texas!
Actually, the US army isn't legally allowed to go to war on US soil. Only the National guard can. That's why there's been a large movement in politics concerning treaties to have Canadian and Mexican troops posted to the US in case of civil unrest, and vice versa.
That will survive first contact about as well as any other plan.
Off hand, I'd say that if China decided to invade the USA, that the Army would respond mighty quickly, regardless of what they're 'legally allowed' to do. Ditto for an armed coup.

holy shit this is hard to believe.

pelosi and reid AGAINST renewing the assault weapons ban???

feinstein prolly choked on her dentures when she heard....

nice babay killing machine, diane!

don't be afraid, be ready...I always say.

better to have and not need, than to need and not have.:swing:
Always be wary of the false flag. When you suddenly find yourself supported from a direction you didn't expect .... expect betrayal.
I "expect betrayal" most of the time.
What I don't understand is when something doesn't work, why people keep doing it, thinking the outcome will be different.
yes. very poor trigger finger discipline. of course, one would not expect that she'd know much about what she wants to ban. that usually seems to be the case.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's call for assault weapon ban in U.S. gets blasted by gun lobby

BY Richard Sisk

Thursday, March 26th 2009

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Clinton called for a new assault weapon ban in the U.S. on Thursday in hopes of cutting off arms flowing to Mexican drug gangs - and was immediately blasted by the gun lobby.

Clinton was naive in thinking that "if Americans give up their freedoms, that it's somehow going to affect the operations of the Mexican drug cartels," said National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs also signaled that President Obama wasn't itching for a fight with Congress to renew the assault weapon ban enacted by former President Bill Clinton. It expired in 2004.

Obama supported the ban during the campaign, Gibbs said, but "I don't know of any plans" for Obama to go immediately to Capitol Hill with new legislation.

On her two-day visit to Mexico, Clinton told MSNBC it'd be "a very heavy lift" to get Congress to take up the issue.

Under tight security yesterday in Monterrey, Mexico, Clinton said the drug-related violence along the border was "intolerable for honest, law-abiding citizens of Mexico, my country or of anywhere people of conscience live."

"We can worry about what's coming north," Clinton said, "but the Mexican people are worried about what's coming south: assault weapons, bazookas, grenades."

Mexican officials and newspapers hailed Clinton's blunt admissions that the "insatiable" appetite for drugs in the U.S. was contributing to the violence.

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