Let the assault begin

The constitution says right to bear arms! I am installing a few SAM missile sites on the property over the weekend and mining the yard with claymores. It's just wrong to deny maniacal nutjob militia types the means to wreak havoc!
I somehow don't get the feeling that making uzis and bazookas illegal is going to stop criminals from smuggling them across the border. I'm pretty sure heroin, cocaine, crank, pot, etc. are illegal in Mexico but they're coming across our border.

Perhaps we could do a better job of enforcing the laws already on the books, or we can come up with new laws that will actually help things.
Since when was the "War on Terror" ever a winable one? Manageble perhaps, and if we are vigilant and do it right we can minimize and marginalize terrorism, but it will likely always exist in different forms all over the world. Win to me implies unconditonal surrender and there are so many radical groups that will never surrender.

The war on terror will be a series of won and lost battles ad infinitum.
You do know that 'assault rifle' is a political term, not a military one, doncha? In militaria, there's no such thing as an 'assault rifle'. It's a made up term to make a certain genre of weapons, usually automatic carbines (which is a real term) more scary to the public. After all, assault in a city is a bad thing.

The term was coined by an anti-firearms advocate at the Violence Policy Center, Josh Sugarman, in 1988.

The semi—automatic weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully—automatic machine guns versus semi—automatic assault weapons —— anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun —— can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.
nice babay killing machine, diane!


She caught a lot of flak for sweeping the crowd with her finger on the trigger.