From the available information: It appears to me that you revel in the alternative metro hipster lifestyle which is much better than the traditional family model of old.such pleasant accusations of radical selfishness ex nihilo. so, tell me, how do you know this?
it don't take no piece of paper to make different choices than yer's in life, chooch.
yes, you are one of them. every time you go to the store. any store. "value" has been shoved down your throat and pulled out your ass. keep bleating.
and no, i was not one of those people that made a poor real estate investment, thanks very much... but i may be buying something fairly soon for a significant discount. why the fuck would you even ask that? random assertions of foolishness? hey, are you one of those guys that thinks he can go through life and support a family as a barely-skilled laborer?
\o/, "I never said that"
From the available information: It appears to me that you revel in the alternative metro hipster lifestyle which is much better than the traditional family model of old.
Being Homo novus must feel great knowing you have achieved a better state. That's OK though, in the end traditional Darwin will win the day.
I'll get back in my place sir.
i do think it's silly to cling to the past...
Imaginary drama? OK, smart guy, where is our economy headed?
they'll smooth it out - fewer highs, fewer lows.
More like just a downward spiral.
I could care less about the loser 'working man'.
It's all about the capitalists, they are the drivers of the economy
not Joe lunchbox, you know that.