Lets play word association



Hehe, here are the rules. I say a word, and the next post has to say a word related to the word in the previous post. It should be obvious. If it is very obvious to you, but might not be obvious to other people, include a short reason. If two people respond at once, use the latter's response. All responses should jump from subject to subject please.

If I say "red" don't say "blue", say "blood" for example.

If I say "Canada", don't say "United States", but rather "snow" or something.

This is to keep people from running through a list of colors or countries, etc. The first person that posts something which no one else can respond to within 2 days wins :)

I will start:

*scratches her head*

computers and magazine racks in a kitchen....WEIRD!

What kind of kitchen IS it anyway?
Nixy said:
*scratches her head*

computers and magazine racks in a kitchen....WEIRD!

What kind of kitchen IS it anyway?

Nevermind. I misunderstood the definition of magazine racks...don't ask :D
I thought you meant racks you use to store things on...we have a lot of racks to store food on, including canned fruit :D