Liberals go after FOX News advertisers

Check your facts freak. Alberto Gonzales, US Attorney General, is not on trial. He won't be on trial anytime soon.
I'm not sure...does Congress have Constitutional authority to investigate the AG?
Russ Feingold admits the Democrats have no real evidence, nothing for the left to cry "scandal" over.

WALLACE: But you know, I think the question is, is this really going anywhere? Is this substantive oversight or is this political theater?

I mean, the point is on the U.S. attorneys which we're talking about, six-month, seven-month investigation, 8,500 pages of documents, 14 witnesses, and you say yourself as a member of Senate Judiciary you haven't found any hard evidence that the White House has broken the law.

FEINGOLD: Well, I happen to think they probably did break the law here, but I don't think the investigation is over, and...

WALLACE: But do you have any evidence of that?

FEINGOLD: ... until we — well, that's why we're asking for people like Karl Rove and others to come down and testify so we can actually examine the evidence.

We haven't had access to the evidence. How are you supposed to examine it when you can't look at it?

The Dems are making a mockery of their oversight powers: "They probably did break the law here--let's make him and all of his closest aids testify to see if we can get some inconsistencies in their stories then prosecute one or more of them on perjury charges.",2933,291298,00.html
"They probably did break the law here--let's make him and all of his closest aids testify to see if we can get some inconsistencies in their stories then prosecute one or more of them on perjury charges."
