Liberals Vow to 'Spank' Obama

yep, it's a bunch of crap too...politics....
then FF to obama, and he says 'oh we're gonna get him'...
now looks like the same old politica Again.

bunch of crap
we'll see I guess...just like last time.
the war in afghanistan hasn't had shit for momentum since 2001.

"you" didn't miss anything, of course. :alienhuh:
Not that I fully agree with that, but maybe we haven't :shrug: ...but now the enemy does have the momentum.

The plan was: Take the land, kill anything opposing us. Thin the herd as they move back. A surge is a big push of overwhelming force. (now its just light version of the same plan) .

Obama certainly didn't inspire the men and women who will be doing the work. He did a good job pandering though.

Obama at West Point said:
I, I, I, me, me, me, boosh did it,
pandering... ha ha.

hey there goes a blondie girl in a bikini with an american flag. when you pull her string she says "freedom!"
objectives so brilliantly non-achieved in seven years!

Oh, yea? It seems that the Taliban decided to get back up after the 2008 election cycle was well under way. They knew that Obama would suck them off, as he just did, and in the unlikely even McCain won, nothing much would change, for them.

However, now that we've entered into Vietnam II, winning all the battles but losing the war, while, effectively, handing those that want a better Afghanistan, over to their enemy (can you say Pol Pot), we can watch genocide in action. I hope we put some cameras in good places so Katie can have somethign to cluck about.

The General asked for 80,000 troops (minimally 40,000). He got 30,000, over six months.

Get out now...and America, we are no longer worthy of our word.
Why risk American lives? :shrug: Ask the guy who started it.


Boooooosh once said "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."

and it's clear that obama is not with us.

You don't tell the bad guys how you plan to kill them or when you are going to quit and go home.

obama has pointed to a timetable for withdrawl as the object of the war, rather than the goal of victory.

In a 4,607 word speech he said "I' 45 times, "terrorist" 3 times", "enemy" once, and "victory" zero.

Of course, there always is the possibility by announcing a withdraw date his true intent is to lull the terrorists into a false sense of security, all the while preparing to attack with Patton-like ferocity and devastation.