Libs 'Bust PA--Americans Will Die

survey says....


Too bad Tokyo, that's the wrong answer.
Let me learn ya a little.

Tokyo Rose was a singular conncoction of a conglomeration of sexy sounding Japanese women. That you probably know.

Did you also know that the main psy-ops of the Japanese was to slowly denigrate the moral of the American soldier using 3 major tactics...questioning the war, saying the soldiers weren't fighting for peace but were fighting to enrich businesses & their CEOs & calling the President a liar. A tactic used successfully by Hanoi Jane some 25 years later & not so successfully by the modern American left. Enjoy your company.
Let me learn you a little...

She literally cheered in the streets as U.S. Gen. Doolittle's Raiders flew over Tokyo, and cheered yet again when the first American B-29's appeared over Tokyo in the fall of '44 (the first one was a BR-29 reconnaissance craft named "Tokyo Rose"
Seems like you have some misguided info....or maybe you just wanted some excuse to encourage people to duck their head in the sand. We all know you'd like nothing more than if everyone turned a blind eye to Bush's lies, the bogus nature of the war, and the corporate windfalls. hey, at least your name works out.
One fact stands above all others.

There has yet to be a 9-11 Redux

But not to worry Tokyo Flamio
if you's boi's werk real hard and gain power in 08
we'll all be screwed blued and tattoed

and you'll blame you failings on someone else as always.
Bush Cutting U.S. Combat Troops in Iraq
AP - 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
FALLUJAH, Iraq - Just days after Iraq's elections, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Friday announced the first of what is likely to be a series of U.S. combat troop drawdowns in Iraq in 2006.
flavio said:
Seems like you have some misguided info....or maybe you just wanted some excuse to encourage people to duck their head in the sand. We all know you'd like nothing more than if everyone turned a blind eye to Bush's lies, the bogus nature of the war, and the corporate windfalls.

Tokyo Rose was a singular conncoction of a conglomeration of sexy sounding Japanese women.
Winky said:
One fact stands above all others.

There has yet to be a 9-11 Redux
...and according to the 9/11 commission we're no safer than before 9/11. Bush is really making some progress eh?

if you's boi's werk real hard and gain power in 08
we'll all be screwed blued and tattoed
Obviously we're screwed now because of Bush. But you don't mind if he appoints his friends with no experience to things like Fema head.

You'll just blame his failings on someone else as always.
The Other One said:
You are in a 9-10 state of mind.

The Dims are not serious on national safety: If you know their plan to protect this country please feel free to enlighten me.
I know Bush plan isn't working according to the 9/11 commission, the increased terrorist activity level in Iraq, and horse show administrators landing jobs as head of FEMA.

Forget the democrats, a monkey could do better.
Gonz said:
Tokyo Rose was a singular conncoction of a conglomeration of sexy sounding Japanese women.
Guess you didn't bother with the link....just pushed your head a little deeper in the dirt eh?
I like the way he focuses on FEMA, instead of sticking to the topic at hand. That's typical. Always add a little gray to the argument, so that your point can be made even without facts to back it up.
flavio said:
Let me learn you a little...

Seems like you have some misguided info....or maybe you just wanted some excuse to encourage people to duck their head in the sand. We all know you'd like nothing more than if everyone turned a blind eye to Bush's lies, the bogus nature of the war, and the corporate windfalls. hey, at least your name works out.

U.S.-born Iva Toguri D'Aquino, who was dubbed "Tokyo Rose" for broadcasting anti-American propaganda from Japan during World War II, was convicted of treason and sent to federal prison for about seven years (this picture was taken at the lockup in Alderson, West Virginia). D'Aquino was pardoned by President Gerald Ford in 1977.

So much for history recording facts. Found that little tidbit here...

Looks like you and Gonz are both a bit off.
There were several women who broadcast propaganda but only this one was tried.