Lighting strikes


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
well if you missed me this weekend, i had a good excuse.
My home was hit by lighting. I lost computers, monitors, internet, speakers, tv's, dvd players and such. Then my water heater blew so i had water all over the garage and into the house.
So now i know why i always hated insurance companies. I now get to do all the leg work can it be repaired or not. lining up a contractor to look at the electrical and the structure of the house. WHY!!!!!!!
ok ranting is done for now. :)
Ugh. I'm sorry to hear that, Sam.

Unfortunately, you're right. You have a couple weeks of fun ahead of you. I'll be thinking about you.
Sorry to hear about that Sam. Good luck with the insurance companies and the whole "Act of God" clauses that seem to be par for the course with those vultures.
fortunately we were not home at the time. so yes no one was hurt cepting my tangibles. they can be replaced. BUT i fear and ACT OF SAM may happen the my insurance guy before it ends.
Well damn, that really & truly sucks. Too bad it didn't just burn it down...that's covered.
So sorry to hear that Sam. I hope the insurance company doens't cause you too much grief. I think you've suffered enough without them giving you a hassle too. Good luck!
prof, i did actually, but ive never heard of one that actually paysout like they say.
I did call a couple comp repair shop this morning speakers are definately toast and the monitor they want to wait a few days to see if it snaps out of it. But if it doesnt cost is too high for repair. So ill be looking for a flatscreen. And my speakers they dont make anymore...:( so that will be a upgrade.
The insurance guy has been pretty cool other than making me do all the legwork, so no random acts of violence yet.
Holy goddamn fucking shit. I'd probably jump out of my skin if that happened to me.

Good luck with the insurance thingie.
wow, that sounds like a little tooo much damage.
I'd be driving a new/another piece of 10foot X 3/4" rebar in the ground
to hook up the 1/4"-copper ground to.
Professur said:
What he should do is have his comp curcuits run with isolated grounds.
So should I, but I use catocom's method. We get a lot of lightning, but I have a lot of trees. Sorry to hear it Sam. I've personally always had pretty good luck with homeowners insurance, but I've known lot's of people who've had problems. Good luck.
:eek13: oh my, sammy!!!

what's the water damage now that things have gone down? I hope nothing irreplaceable was boxed up in there :eh:
I'm sorry Sammy! I hope it's not too much trouble to get all your new stuff and that you can find receipts for everything! How is Wendy feeling by the way?
she is feeling better no surgery as of yet. but man i think the doc's got a thing for her. has to keep going back for a while to see if any progress is being made.
So far im pretty lucky, they havent asked for reciepts since i have all the stuff physically. crosses fingers that they dont ask.
Water damage was minimal. fortunately we had just cleaned and moved everything away from the area.
:( *hugs* I hope it all works out good. Good to hear the water damage is minimal - that'd be a bitch to pile on to all the dead 'lectronics.
ok well im atleast back online. different comp now though. Appears to be some motherboard problems with my regular system. :( problem is networking is onboard, so hopefully they will replace the board instead of trying to make me buy a new network card,
ok i just packed all my computer stuff up to take to a shop in town to tell me what i already know. since the last post the hard drives died. lost about 120 gig of files, music and such. god i hope i burned all of it to cd at some point or ill be crying.
Oh and going back to a 17" monitor really sucks ass.