Limbaugh Cure-A-Thon exceeds all expectations


Well-Known Member
We can thank the White House for increasing his audience which was reflected in the 45% increase in donors. The donations exceeded seven figures before the first half-hour of the Friday show.

Donations, overall, are up 25% over last year in the face of the recession. That was a question I posed in THIS THREAD nearly a year ago. Of course, I posted the reason in THIS THREAD nine months before that.


2009 EIB Cure-A-Thon Breaks All Records Despite Obama Recession
April 20, 2009


RUSH: Lots of people are e-mailing and wanting to know the outcome of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Cure-A-Thon last Friday. I've got some numbers, but they're not all in yet. There's still a lot of donating going on and a lot of registering at But suffice to say records were set during the Obama Recession.

The total donors, as of this morning, were up over 45%. We had a 45% increase in the number of donors (which, again, is also an indication of the rapid audience growth that we've seen this year) as well as the total dollars we're up 25% over last year. And last year was a record. This happened during the Obama recession, with 600,000 Americans unemployed every month. It's just amazing.

"A Rush Limbaugh audience is the greatest audience in the world," to paraphrase Jackie Gleason, about the Miami Beach audience that he said when he had his TV show down there. And the dollar numbers up 25% do not include my donation that was matched by the two sisters out in the State of Washington. But they're record numbers here. Everybody was blown away on Friday, as this was all happening, and they're still shocked and stunned today, not to mention overwhelmed with good vibes and incredible gratitude.

So once again, I want to thank everybody who had anything to do with this last Friday because it shocked and stunned all of us. Nobody thought we'd even equal what we did last year just because of the recession. To increase the dollar amount by 25%, and the number of donors by 45% is just beautifully amazing.

"during the Obama Recession"

yeah, obama's been laying the groundwork for this recession for YEARS.

fuck you, rush. jam your sensationalist horseshit right up your fat ass.
"during the Obama Recession"

yeah, obama's been laying the groundwork for this recession for YEARS.

fuck you, rush. jam your sensationalist horseshit right up your fat ass.

Plenty of room, everyone stand just a bit closer together.
"during the Obama Recession"
Shouldn't that be...
"during the BUSH Recession"
So of course, the 45-percent increase in the number of individual donors and the 25-percent increase in total dollars raised for Leukemia and Lymphoma cures doesn't mean shit. All that matters is that Limbaugh calls it the "Obama recession" (to the surprise of no one). Nothing else matters. There is one thing and one thing only that matters, and that is that he called it the "Obama recession" (to the surprise of no one). No one gives a fuck about the increase in money raised for Leukemia and Lymphoma cures. On a scale of importance — Money raised for finding a cure for Leukemia and Lymphoma: 0.0000000000001. That Limbaugh said "the Obama recession" (to the surprise of no one): 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Well I can say that if I had it to give I might have, yet it would have in no way indicated support for Limbaugh, but rather for what he was doing.
So of course, the 45-percent increase in the number of individual donors and the 25-percent increase in total dollars raised for Leukemia and Lymphoma cures doesn't mean shit. All that matters is that Limbaugh calls it the "Obama recession" (to the surprise of no one). Nothing else matters. There is one thing and one thing only that matters, and that is that he called it the "Obama recession" (to the surprise of no one). No one gives a fuck about the increase in money raised for Leukemia and Lymphoma cures. On a scale of importance — Money raised for finding a cure for Leukemia and Lymphoma: 0.0000000000001. That Limbaugh said "the Obama recession" (to the surprise of no one): 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.

oh cry me a river. it's was buttface's decision to spike his words. in fact, he's 100,000 times the asshole he ever was for using charitable donations as partial cover to spout his divisive, assaholic rhetoric. so, yes, fuck him. twice. with a clawhammer.

imagine if somebody raised 100 grand for jerry's kids and then threw in a "jew" comment as follow-up. wouldn't that be great? hmmm yeah prolly not.
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 Obama nomination speech
Dow closes at 12402.85

Obama elected Nov 4 2008
Dow close at 9625.28

Obama inauguration Jan 20 2009
Dow closes 7949.09

GW sure knew how to set him up.
i ain't got no straws, but i've got a half-used bottled of lube and some low grade eastern european "lifestyle interest" magazines for you...
oh cry me a river. it's was buttface's decision to spike his words. in fact, he's 100,000 times the asshole he ever was for using charitable donations.....

It is something Rush has been involved in for the last 19 years. This year he donated $300,000 to the cause.

imagine if somebody raised 100 grand for jerry's kids and then threw in a "jew" comment as follow-up. wouldn't that be great? hmmm yeah prolly not.


Play the "racecard" much?

0bama has nothing to do with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society/EIB Cure-A-Thon. According to recently released tax returns he's never donated more than 6.1% of his income to charity.

Rush was commenting on the generosity of donors in unstable economic conditions.

So how would "0bama Recession" be the same as "jew"?

Are you trying to imply the term "Obama Recession" is somehow a "racist" comment?
Maybe he meant "Obama racession".

Interesting how the Libs on this board always deny bringing race into the debate.
oh cry me a river. it's was buttface's decision to spike his words. in fact, he's 100,000 times the asshole he ever was for using charitable donations as partial cover to spout his divisive, assaholic rhetoric. so, yes, fuck him. twice. with a clawhammer.

"jew" is not a race, genuises, but it's interesting that you appear to think it is.

... and it was simply an example of a comment of poor taste made in an even worse context a la rush the blowhard.
Rush was commenting on the generosity of donors in unstable economic conditions.
Which begs the question...why didn't he call it 'unstable economic conditions' instead of the 'Obama recession' ? Could it be that he was taking the opportunity to take yet another swipe at the President? Nah. :bitchslap

Kudos to Rush for helping raise money for Leukemia/Lymphoma! I'm perfectly serious in this. Kudos.
"jew" is not a race, genuises, but it's interesting that you appear to think it is.

hmm. well, given the context and the utterer... easy assumption to make.

... and it was simply an example of a comment of poor taste made in an even worse context a la rush the blowhard.

Poor taste? It is an 0bama recession. It's been 100 days. He owns it.

Hey, aren't you the guy that thinks that any disparaging reference to King Zero is rrrrrrracial?

Simply. :shrug:
It is an 0bama recession. It's been 100 days. He owns it.

no, sugarpie, we ALL own it.

and at least obama is trying to do SOMETHING about it rather than ignoring the obvious signs of looming recession and then mailing out $300 checks to every nincompoop and his sister, as if that was going to do anything.

as to how the recession came into being, obama had no more to do with it than anyone else. and if you think any different, well, maybe you need to finish high school.
Play the "racecard" much?
<<snippety snip>>
So how would "0bama Recession" be the same as "jew"?

Are you trying to imply the term "Obama Recession" is somehow a "racist" comment?
Maybe he meant "Obama racession".

Interesting how the Libs on this board always deny bringing race into the debate.
Do you know who else called "jews" a "race"? Huh? ;) *poke*
Do you know who else called "jews" a "race"? Huh? ;) *poke*

Let me guess, now. Could it be someone who starts with an H and ends with an R?

I've got it! Her. It was her. Do I get the prize????

Actually, although Jews are not a race, they being Caucasoid on the racial scale, they do have their own ethnically specific disease -- Tay Sachs.