linux is gaining ground at OTC

cubcake1 said:
The Linux user:
As a child took apart dads electric drill on two separate occasions to "see how it worked"

Motorcycles and cars, hairdryers, sewing machines, food mixers.... never did a drill though...

cubcake1 said:
As a teen thought girls were "gross" and knew the green lantern was waay cooler than batman."

I'm female and might incriminate myself if I said anything here, but I prefered Judge Dredd anyway... :eek:

As an adult sneered as he made a 6 figure salary as a network engineer, only to be standing in the soup line a few years later when people realized they were way over manned and over paid."

Never earned 6 figures and wouldn't know what to do with it if I did... I prefer a simple life. :)

Currently balding, and smelling of cheeze dooldes, hoping that star wars III is better than number I and II.

My hairdressers complains how thick and fine my hair is, I have never heard of cheeze doodles and think LOTR is way cooler than Star Wars.

It seems I don't fit the picture... :D
Windows: Windows 87.58 % (1362877)
Linux: Linux 1.729 % (26905)
Mac/PPC: Mac - PPC 9.405 % (146364)
Unknown: Other 1.279 % (19912)

think i'm just going to post the breakdown when i think of it, maybe i'll remember enough times to make a pretty graph someday, even if the slope of the graph is only 0.000000000000000001