Lockerbie Bomber


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while I understand the outrage, I also understand the reasoning.

There's the oil incentive, which by it's self would be outrageous,
but there's also the thing of how much it cost to house the man, and
the medical cost.
Then there's the humanitarian part, that that country is noted.

There may also be other circumstance, I don't know.
To condemn Scotland as a whole because of this issue is wrong though.

I'll stand with Scotland, and we'll see how long the guy lives, if Gaddafi
does right...

This guy will probably die a worse death, than just a head shot would be.
Look at it how you will.

He blew a plane out of the sky over Scotland. Fuck him. I hope he dies slowly & painfully & is reminded of the 270 people he murdered minute by minute.
He blew a plane out of the sky over Scotland.

Or did he?

The truth about what happened at Lockerbie appears quite a bit more complex than the cookie-cutter version presented by the mainstream media. Several longtime observers of the al-Megrahi case have concluded that it has always been weak, at best.

According to British journalist Hugh Miles in a 2007 article for London Review of Books, many “lawyers, politicians, diplomats and relatives of Lockerbie victims now believe that the former Libyan intelligence officer is innocent.”

Miles quoted Robert Black QC, an Edinburgh University professor emeritus of Scottish law, as saying, “No reasonable tribunal, on the evidence heard at the original trial, should or could have convicted him and it is an absolute disgrace and outrage what the Scottish court did.”
Great. Another scapegoat. Someday, SOMEDAY, we're gonna get this sinister Mr Big.
wow. sorry cato but this does not look good for the scots. they go all "hang 'em high" style with a possibly bad conviction, and then they go and let the guy go and look like pussies. seems they's pissing off both the lefties and the fascists!
we'll see how all the facts play out.

I'm not about being closed minded about it atm.

I'm in a holding pattern mentally on it.

I'll give the consideration more time.

of coarse I'm basically a nobody, and wasn't directly affected by the atrocities of this murderer, so...
The Libyans took several steps backwards with the celebration of their 'Hero'. They were doing well since 2002..but now?

The Scotts should've kept him for the full term.
Qaddafi USED to be big news...then he backed off of nuclear weapons research and made nice with the UN. Sided with the US against al quaeda 2 years before 9-11, and has been visited by Rice. He's coming to NY shortly to continue playing nice.

The Lockerbie thing has ruffled a few feathers and now there are protests.

Gaddafi invents 'rocket car'

Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has invented a sleek James Bond-style car, which Libya says is the safest vehicle on earth.

The Saroukh el-Jamahiriya (Libyan rocket) a five-passenger saloon in a metallic Libyan revolutionary green with tinted windows, was launched at a special summit of the Organisation of African Unity organised by Colonel Gaddafi.

He added that the provocative name of the car was meant to highlight that while others made rockets to kill, Libya designed them for humane and peaceful purposes.

No.10 turns on Obama and Clinton for criticising decision to release Lockerbie bomber

Downing Street has hit back at Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for attacking the decision to release the Lockerbie bomber.

British officials claim Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton were kept informed at all stages of discussions concerning Megrahi’s return.

The officials say the Americans spoke out because they were taken aback by the row over Megrahi’s release, not because they did not know it was about to happen.

‘We would never do anything about Lockerbie without discussing it with the US. It is disingenuous of them to act as though Megrahi’s return was out of the blue.

How out of touch is 0bama that it wouldn't occur to him that the American people would be ticked off? Is he really that stupid?

They have been lying to the American people as well as the rest of the world by pretending that they knew nothing about this.

0bama sandbags our best ally instead of manning up and admitting that he knew all about the release and was even consulted about it.
Hmmm. They protested it from the beginning. :rolleyes:

And it turns out THEY LIED!

The British say that 0bama and Clinton were fully informed of the decision and are deflecting blame onto the British now that the decision has proven to be unpopular.
You're retarded, aren't you. Sorry I didn't catch this earlier.

Obama and H. Clinton didn't release the Lockerbie bomber. :rolleyes:
I suppose you would prefer Obama to send troops to Scotland to prevent the release rather than express disapproval of the release of the bomber. :rolleyes:

Hey, guess what? Scotland is NOT a territory or state of the USA. The US government has no authority over Scotland nor the UK. What the UK decides is completely separate from the decisions and preferences of the USA.

Yeesh... amazing. :rolleyes: