Long overdue get to know your neighbor thread

Name: Marc - 37
Location:South Shore of Montreal
Relationship: Divorced and shacked up :D
Offspring:1 son - going to be 3 on Friday
1 pending
Pets: 4 cats, several fish
Nicks: deBish, Bishy, Bishypoo, Marcus Welby, BigBro

Refresher: 42 now :p
Same location
Same relationship
2 kids now (matched set) 8yr boy 4.5yr girl
No more cats

Still in Morelia, Mich., México
Still never married and no kids.
No gf for about a year.

I have an engineer degree and soon I'll have an MSc EE degree.

Still living in Morelia
30 years old
Married for 2 years
No kids yet

I got the MSc EE degree and have been working in the same place for the past 5 years.