Leslie said:he couldn't have been serious, could he?![]()
Lucky for us y'all can't dogsled - you'd never keep upGonz said:I don't know what Pam is complaining about. We could invade.
In the summertime![]()
Leslie said:I lived in Collingwood, a ski tourism area, for years. Worked in a SkiShop/Driving Range. In the summer, we flipped to the driving range for the season. I'd be out there workin my tail off in 30c weather, and EVERY FREAKING YEAR a couple carloads of Americans would pull up wanting to know where the hills are, or can they get rentals.
It happens. People don't read or...somethin
but that's a far stretch from a 'journalist' insisting it's true innit?
MrBishop said:Reminds me of a story that my Bro-in-law told me about training exchanges with American grunts
Canadian troops (including ym bro-in-law) went down to California to play with the newest toys and guns (including a hovercraft the size of Nebraska). The California troops were coming up for winter battle-training.
Petawawa (my broin-laws base) went all out for the visiting troops based on prior interview as to what the American grunts could expect up here.
So...using the 'assumptions'...an old airstrip was cleared of snow and 30 igloos were build up plus one really large one! The local kennel provided huskies and sleds were borrowed from Lord knows where. The APCs drove up to the edge of the tarmac and let the troops off...into 3 feet of loosly packed powder. Snowshoes were tossed their way and they were told where their headquarters were.
About 1 hour later...they were picked up again and brought to their real barracks..but the look on their faces, I'm told, was priceless!!
Much beer-drinking ensued thereafter
Winky said:It's Krazy huh!
A fellow OCN'er passed it along.
I'm not sure how it was done...
unclehobart said:10,000? Is that all? feh. For the amount of moolah being forked over I would have hoped to get a little more thrift out of it. If its costing us 1 million per kill would it not be easier to just cut them all a check and make nice-nice?
Or how about the constantly cited figure of 100,000 Iraqis killed by Americans since the war began, a statistic thrown about with total and irresponsible abandon by war opponents. That number, which should be disputed at every turn by those who care about the truth of what is going on in Iraq, came from a controversial study by the British journal of medicine The Lancet (search).
It is five to six times higher than the highest estimates from other sources of all Iraqi deaths, either military or civilian. The Lancet study relied on reporting of deaths self-reported by 998 families from clusters of 33 households throughout Iraq, a very limited sample from which to generalize.
As a recent article in the Financial Times reported on Nov. 19, even the Lancet study’s authors are now having second thoughts. Iraq’s Health Ministry estimates by comparison that all told, 3,853 Iraqis have been killed and 15,517 wounded.
It’s a drumbeat with echoes of the way the American media reported the Vietnam War