Look what followed me home.

like i said...i've always wanted to ride on the left side of the road once...

looks like i found some wheels to test....;)


looks cool mate!
Wait a second, if it came from Jersey, isn't the steering wheel and everything on the wrong side for you? That would fuck me up.


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Gonz said:
chcr said:
Why did Justin think that was a joke?

They don't know the value of Harleys in Britain :shrug: :D

Some of us do... about half the price of the beemer new. :)

.... and the living room is a very good place to park it unless it's chained to something immovable! My ex has one.
Hey, someone mentioned to me seeing it was most likely an ex crimminal car or something that i should pull the pics, wonder if its that serious? :eek:
I've taken em off for now, they are in the BS, good incentive to contribute :D kiddin, if you wanna see i can email em, for now i gotta find out exactly what the car was involved in if i can ;).
It was probably confiscated by Customs for bringing too much alcohol and cigarettes home for personal use....
:lol: I think it might be drugs related, my uncle said something to that effect, i know its being somewhat overcautious, but ya never know :eek:
Tell somebody to simmer down :D it's prolly been sitting in an impound lot for awhile. But still, wouldn't be a bad idea to get it a new plate....tomorrow.
:crying2: I wanna see the beemer :(

Ah well, at least I got to catch a short glimpse of them yesterday, hehe

Justintime, when (if) I get my MG Montego, I'll come down there and give you a street race.

Let's try and find someone with a corsa as well, so that if one of us loses, we will still look good against the corsa which WILL come in last place :lol: