Look what mr. mail man brought!

usually big cups of coke are only found in fast food places. otherwise its cans and bottles [330 and 500ml respectively]
Luis G said:
we have this sizes.......

200ml, 355ml, 500ml, 600ml, 1 litre, 2 litres and 2.5 litres

Holy SHIT! :eek:

We max at .5 liter...didn't know the US and Mexico had THAT giant sizes :eek:

We didn't even order half the biggest :D
it is bottled Coca-Cola.

in fast food restaurants the biggest should be more than 1 litre.
next time i buy something in McDonald's i will take a look at those.

I usually never order sodas in fast food restaurants, too expensive and too much "water" in it :D
AlladinSane said:
Luis G said:
USB dildos?

bad boy......bad boy

I can see LL showing up to say he loves capitalism because he can get a giant sized one :D
Yes I'm so much bigger than you :p Americans in general are bigger eh? Both in circumference and weight. And I'm not just talking body size here. :p
OT Central - the only place where a discussion about USB drives ends up as a 'my coke is bigger'-thread...

gotta love it :D

To get a little bit back on-topic: Luis, the card reader is nice, but not as cheap, small or easy to 'install' as this PenDrive ('install' between quotes because it's just plug & pray), and if I need more data storage, I still have CD-RW's and a bracket for my 60 GB HD which should be enough :D
Got 6 working USB ports here, 2 USB, 4 USB 2... installed an Asus driver for the USB 2 ports and everything worked fine the first time...

Too bad the drive is USB 1.1, and won't go any faster on the USB 2 ports, but it's fast enough for most purposes...
Even my USB Hub worked on this machine :eek:

It NEVER worked before :D
But Psycho had the right explanation for that; the hub doesn't have enough power to feed my cam or printer...but my digital cam works great on it :)

Yay! @ windows 2000 :)
And My motherboard for allowing me to plug and play, instead of pray :headbang:
Luis G said:
and how much did that cost you?

That motherboard? Costed me app. $180 USD at the time. It was quite expensive 'cause it was one of the first motherboards with DDR RAM :D