Looking for Pagan/Gardenerian/Wiccan advice...

Aunty Em said:
How do you find out which is your totemic animal?

I'm born under The Big Winds Moon whose animal is cougar.
It's an affinity...a connection with a particular animal or insect. I was also given a raven's feather by my great-grandmother shortly after my birth. Raven is in my dreams, I always notice them around me and consider them good luck.

Part of choosing, or rather being chosen by, a totem is related to where you live or spend the most time. You're unlikely to find a person with an Orca or whale totem living in Arizona, and more than someone with Snake living in Alaska (sorry Hex).

If you like cougars, see them in dreams as guides instead of threats. Surround yourself with pictures or images of them etc... it might be your totemic animal. Are you of Native blood?
Professur said:
I highly doubt she is either. Probably just another wannabee who thought it sounded cool. Half the supposed wiccans I've talked to think that "Lord of the Dance" is a pagan ritual.

prof, i'd tell you that your comments on this matter tend to insult and anger me... and i'm sure, others... but you probably wouldn't give a fuck.
No, not unless you consider viking and saxon blood native. :D

But I definately have an affinity for cats of all kinds.
Ash, if you're that sensitive to indirect criticism, maybe the reason isn't me. Think about it.

But about you, or others, being angered by it, you're right. And when you've grown up a little more, you'll understand why.
it's not cos i'm hiding my own supposed fakeness, if that's what you're thinking.

as someone who was a real Wiccan, heavily into the religious aspects of it, praying to, praising, and giving thanks to the Lord and Lady frequently, as well as having studied it a lot (yes, i know it's not an 'olde religion', etc..)... i take offense to your comment, because you make it sound like there are almost no real wiccans... altho you state that it's just of people you've known (in fact, i remember once at jjr512.com, you stated that "most wiccans" you know "couldn't tell an oak from a privet bush" or something like that)... but... idontknow...

the so-called wiccans of your descriptions are commonly known as "fluffy bunnies", or soemtimes just "fluffies". i have known a few in my however short time alive so far, ones who think wearing a crystal point and pentacle jewellery makes them wiccan, or who carry around their books or even their Book of Shadows in hopes that someone would see and recognise how different and mysterious they are...

but i've also known many more real wiccans. even as teenagers.
i am sorry that you seem to know or have known people who are contrary to the actual faith...

but please realise... they're out there, and there are FAR more real ones than you may think.
Perhaps in your neck of the woods, dear Ash, but not in mine. Personally, I know enough about earthpower to know better than to fuck with it.
pc_builder said:
People like dancing naked?

It's easy to talk about nudity when you're all alone in a darkened room staring at a computer screen.

I wonder what we'd talk about if we all met in a bar or club or something.

If it were my bar everyone would be expected to show up nekkid anyway, though the conversation then usually turns to sports, politics, religion, food etc etc etc :shrug:

Oh, btw Aunty - here's another link re Totem (power) Animals you might want to have a look at Power Animals
Professur said:
Hey Bish, D'ya know what the difference between a crow and a raven is?

They're both Corbies...like the magpie. There's a matter of size though...

average crow is about the size of a pigeon.
average raven is a wee-bit smaller than a seagull.

Tail feathers are different. Ravens have a point, crows are curved.

Technically...all ravens are crows (Corbus), but not all crows are ravens. :)

If you want a closer look...I've got a stuffed Raven downstairs. :evilcool:
unclehobart said:
ooo! ... I know! Crows go 'caw' and ravens go 'nevermore'.

You're actually pretty damn close :)
One's more nasal than the other... both can be taught to 'speak'.
Professur said:
Perhaps in your neck of the woods, dear Ash, but not in mine. Personally, I know enough about earthpower to know better than to fuck with it.

the power we use; the magic is used for healing purposes. it depends on how its used as whether youll be fucking with it or using it.
AlphaTroll said:
Oh, btw Aunty - here's another link re Totem (power) Animals you might want to have a look at Power Animals
Thank you so much for that site alphatroll! I did the first meditation, but I can't talk about it here, I'm still crying it was such a powerful feeling. I was flying... it wasn't what I expected.