losing touch

Hmm, as an army brat I've lost touch with most people from way back when. As an adult, my life has passed through many different stages and I've lost touch with many people I used to know, either outgrown or through changing interests, location, jobs, etc. Some I was priviliged to know, others were assholes. Do I regret leaving any of them behind? Simple answer... no, it's all a learning experience.
To lose contact with someone you care for, only to get in contact with them again can be one of the best feelings in the world. That is, of course, assuming you have that option.

I on the otherhand, was seperated from my cousins 4 years ago, due to a very stupid family dispute between my parents and my aunt about money. No idea where they went, how they are doing, if they even still live in this state. I have no way of finding them, that is a very depressing feeling.

The only advice I can give to people, is that you NEVER lose touch with the people you love and care for. Even if all that means, is keeping eachother updated on what your current address is. Send them a letter if your going to move and tell them, or tell them if your phone number changes..

With all of the technology this world has to offer, it is still possible to lose people...
I think I saw a woman I went to college with here. :eek: She was my 'big sister'. Of course, with my head in the clouds, with dreams of going home soon, I didn't really pay attention to her when I saw her staring at me with a look of slight recognition on her face. After all, it has been over 20 years. Damn I'm old... :grumpy: