losing touch

I don't regret about anyone, because all the people I lost touch I was always the last trying contact.
There was this trainee I worked with on the Novo Hamburgo office of Brasil Telecom, 5 years ago, 12 years younger than me. When she left 3 years ago we lost contact, for almost 2 years. When I was on a bad period of loneliness last year I tried and found her. It was one of the best things I ever done. She's now my best female friend :)
unclehobart said:
PuterTutor said:
Now God Damn it. I've given my full name, town I live in, pics of my house, and still I don't get a stalker. This sucks. :crying4:
If you want a visit, just say so. You're all of about 12 hours away from me. I keep my sleeping bag in the car full time now. :D

You're welcome anytime, how many does your truck hold? You can run these little shits to all their ball games/Color Guard/Band Camp/Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts for a day or two.
Thats cool. Just so long as they can tell me where to go considering I don't know where anything is. Nametags would be helpful as well. The truck can hold 4 in normal fashion, 10 with bungees. Be sure to type up a letter of permissions to show the cops so that they won't huck me in the pokey for thinking that I'm a kidnapper.
10 with bungees huh? Cool, I'll tell them to let thier friends know they've got some extra room. Names won't be a problem, the boys all answer to "You" and the girls are too self absorbed to notice anyway.
now that i think about it, i miss losing contact with my roommate from freshman year and his best friend, two of the most sincere and loyal people i've ever met. They put their neck's on the line (literally) when I needed help one night, and put up with my post-high-school awkwardness. And they taught me most of the bad things I know :D
i got in contact with a really nice lass i met on a trip to italy nearly 10 years ago during my third year of uni [about 5 years ago]. we wrote each other a couple of times and then i forgot to write.

from time to time i feel sad i never kept in touch, and its a bad habit i have to forget to write to people - lost track of a few friends that way.
greenfreak said:
Which brings me to my point... Have you ever lost touch with someone only to contact them years later? Or have you ever regretted losing touch with someone you never saw or heard from again?

in high school a girl i was friends with and even asked out had known me since elementary school. i didnt know her too well then. but we saw each other in HS thats when i found out. and my friend Moose was a buddy in HS but i hadnt seen him since grad for a while. we are hangingout with the same crowd so we became friends again
New question everyone...

I started writing a letter to my old boss but soon realized that after years of not writing anything longer than a post it note, my writing hand is out of practice. I actually got a cramp, if you believe it!! (insert jokes here about men getting more use out of their right hand)

Anyway, is it too impersonal to send him a typed letter? When we worked together our main line of communication was verbal first then emails about what we spoke about.

He's much older too, not as in tune to technology as I am. Maybe I should write it in shifts. It's a long letter, it will take a while. What do you think? Write it or type it?
I would type it (and explain why) and I would put some doodly stuff in the ledgers. In your case, I recommend green doodly stuff :D
Lost track of a lot of people, some of which I regret.

One of them's a girlfriend that I had the last year of grade school...we went to diff HS's and then she moved to New Brunswick...think of her every once in a while, but don't even know her last name.

The other is a College buddette...she's in Ontarion now...I do know her name, but I can't seem to find her anywhere.

I used to be a pen-pal, but since e-mail came into effect, I seem to qrite less often...go figure...it's easier and cheaper, but I don't do it.
Anti-lazy bastard!
I just recently began the art of sending letters. I type my texys on Word and write them down to paper later. When it comes to making and old friend happy, it would please them to know you took the effort of hand-writing :)
I made a special point of losing contact with everyone from my past, with a very few notable exceptions. Hell, I didn't like most of them when I knew them. Why would I think that would change? Every once in a while someone will track me down, or get a helping hand from someworm who will remain nameless, and I'll have to go into blackout until they leave.