Louisiana Ghost Story

Professur said:
Obviously you've never sat in traffic on a metal grid bridge on a motorbike. That'll make you rethink it in a hurry.

I have no desire to ever ride a motorcycle.
Nixy said:
I have no desire to ever ride a motorcycle.

I dunno WHY I don't but I don't...like as in genetics wise...my dad used to have a bike...my mom rode on it with him. My brother is looking at bikes now and my mom is considering going with him to get her licence too so she can also drive it. I have no desire to even be a passenger...they freak me out. I even hate driving on the highway if there's one near me. Regular roads I don't care but on the highway it freaks me out if they're around...100km/hr with nothing but some leather and air between you and the asphalt *shudders*
Nixy said:
Regular roads I don't care but on the highway it freaks me out if they're around...100km/hr with nothing but some leather and air between you and the asphalt *shudders*

Hell, girl, that's the only real reason to ride them at all. Nothing between you and asphalt 'cept your skill and the Hand of God.
Professur said:
Hell, girl, that's the only real reason to ride them at all. Nothing between you and asphalt 'cept your skill and the Hand of God.

Yeah well when I'm in a metal box and they're not it makes me nervous...
Mare said:
This is the bridge we have here in Sarasota Florida.

I think that's the bridge I crossed on the way down to Fort Meyers a few years back.

Isn't that also the bridge that some kids bungee jumped off of and a couple of them were killed?
Professur said:
C'mon up and deal with the Confederation Bridge. 13km of open ocean on a two lane spine of concrete.

Ah yes, long to go over it, quick to go under.

The only bridge that ever bothered me was/is the Tappan Zee bridge. Not very long, but prone to movement...Not scary, but vomit-inducing to a full stomach...

alex said:
I think that's the bridge I crossed on the way down to Fort Meyers a few years back.

Isn't that also the bridge that some kids bungee jumped off of and a couple of them were killed?

I'm not sure about the couple Alex. All I know is the Skyway bridge is the bridge you cross going over into Sarasota, it's about 1hour and 40 minutes from where I live, and I live about the same from ft. Myers, but the both in opposite dirrections of me. Ft. Myers south of me and sarasota north of me.