M.I.A., Born Free

if that's the case...too bad then that the pres has decided Not to be a liberal.

(although I see things quite different through my glasses)
Then why does the left regualte so much? Protected sources & herbicide come to mind.

If you can figure out a way to keep your herbicide from leaking into the water table then by all means..use it. Your freedom stops precisely where mine begin.

Why to GVTs regulate? Because corps don't give a flying fuck.
I don't know aout Canada but the Marine Corps cares quite deeply.

I hope your source for that herbicide leak is well protected.
Marriage...since the left doesn't believe in marriage, it's a moot point.
Who do you hear things like...."It's only a piece of paper"?

Mormons or Uni Professors
How do figure you "racism?"

Its about a pre-established set of laws. National sovereignty is something most civilized nations follow.

I would say that the race issue is a false flag issue created as a crutch for emotional pleas, playing the victim.. I know of many minorities who believe we need to protect our national interest and sovereignty. Divide and conquer.

You're funny minxy.