M Theory


molṑn labé
Staff member
Up front, I find this stuff fascinating, but I also have the attention level of a frog. It's hard to comprehend theories that just don't make any sense in a visible world.

Take this show that was on last night. The Discovery Science channel. My wife & I were carrying on when I started noticing things people in the show were saying about gravity. A woman, a Harvard Scientist/Professor thingie type person. She was explaining, rather poorly in my never to be humble opinion, why gravity, is the weakest force we have. The problem isn't gravity is exceptionaly weak, it's simply that we're getting the leftovers of a much stronger force.

Yep, using what will later be explained as M Theory (M=Membrane or Magic), she tries to explain that we are living in one of an innumerable parallel multiverses. A leak or crossover matter or some damned thing, allows gravity from a close proximity (as they all are, it turns out) universe to leak into our universe. It's strong enough to hold planets in alignment & it keeps our boots on the ground but a weak force, such as magnetism, can easily overpower what should be a stronger force.

They then go on to talk about M Theory. By the time I notice this show, it's :20 til the hour so what I get is hazy, at best.

M Theory is a similar theory to String Theory except it adds the 11th dimension. Shit fire, I still can't figure out String theories 5th - 10th dimesions. Now they expect me to belive we're living in a Gene Roddenberry tale, complete with parallel universes, some of which have different rules for physics. These are so close to ours they are measured in ten thousandths inch.

Going back to the Big Bang, one theory says that 2 of these universes collided, presenting a cause for the Singularity. Their "flapping" membranes then overlapped, creating matter in which to work.

There was talk about how, adding the the 11th dimension to equations, virtually all of the difficult, unsolvable or impossible physics problems suddenly came together & made sense. Like Magic.

So, has anyone heard of these (this) theories? I did a half assed job describing what I couldn't believe I was hearing, but hopefully it was well enough to get some smarter peoples take. It sounded to me like an age old problem in science. Assume the result & find a formula to fit it. Even if there is no physical evidence proving the existence of a multiverse, it's now being used to solve mathematical equations. It seems too convenient to be plausible. Help a scientific cripple out. What have I missed?
As I understand it, M theory is trying to unify the various incarnations of string theory (which are manifold). My basic, narrow-minded, take on the wholde business is that while it's fascinating, if you can't test it, quantify it and produce reproducible results, it ain't really science. It's philosophy. Just an opinion, I got a million of 'em. :D

Particle theory still holds the lead IMO, although it is not without it's problems. I think they're trying to make it more complicated than it probably is.

BTW, they aren't assuming the result. They are looking at things that happen on a quantum level that aren't addressed by current theory and positing an explanation.

String Theory M-Theory

I am not either a geek (but these are from my bookmarks). :nerd:
HEY! I know :bs: when I see it.

M-theory is a solution proposed for the unknown theory of everything which would combine all five superstring theories and 11-dimensional supergravity together.
According to Dr. Edward Witten who proposed the theory, mathematical tools which have yet to be invented are needed in order to fully understand it.


I'm telling ya, they're making this shit up as they go along.

My SUPERGONZO powers, which have to yet fully manifest themselves in a useable SUPERGONZO fashion, will be magnificent.
Physics is a strange science. It can be fairly concrete and intuitive, like Newton’s laws of motion, for example, or it can start to sound like a episode of Star Trek real fast. I used to subscribe to Scientific American years ago. I really enjoyed the cutting-edge biology, and even some of the chemistry articles in it... But physics... it wasn't exactly light toilet reading, and I ended up not renewing my subscription one year.

Like chic said, it's scientific philosophy. I really like that descriptive. It's all based on unprovable mathematical abstracts, unlike almost every other field of science. I love science, probably by virtue of my insatiable curiosity about everything and anything... But honestly, until I find a cosmic string I can use to tie a shoe with, I just can't and don't really have any compunction to try and wrap my wittle head around such grandiose theories

Frankly, I'd rather watch a good sci fi movie with lots of explosions and gratuitous violence and nudity :D Oh and them sound effects in the vacuum of space are always good for kicks ;)
mathematical tools which have yet to be invented are needed in order to fully understand it.

I know that sounds unbelievable, but only a physic-mathematician would be able to fully criticize that sentece. Personally, I think he's right, a guy with more than 250 papers, some books, and several awards should knows his field.

Among the many awards Witten has earned are the Fields Medal 1990 (mathematics equivalent to Nobel Prize and the National Medal of Science (2004). He has inspired his colleagues and has sparked what has been called the second revolution in superstring theory.
"trying to make it more complicated than it probably is"


Ever thang is so simple once you understand it.

The operation of the warhead in the minuteman missile
is really simple but would have been absolutely incomprehensible in medieval times.
But tetracycline would have been a Godsend to the 25 million plague victims too.

Like I've said before, I know it’s far too much to ask.
But I'd love to see GUT theory solved before I die.
The Grand Unified Theory is, as this story sounds, no longer an option. That's why I found this whole M Theory maddening. Instead of GUT, they decide for Magic Universes using math we don't know yet.
Winky said:
Like I've said before, I know it’s far too much to ask.
But I'd love to see GUT theory solved before I die.
Ditto that... I'm looking forward to that as well (despite the fact that when it is 'solved', I may only be able to understand 30-40% of the physics behind it ) ...and looking to Hawkings to do it. Buddy's my hero when it comes to physics :D