Ma latest toy

catocom said:
What temp do those new ones run at normally?
(with stock cooling)

I'm waiting on the intel 3gigs to come down from $700 alittle.;)

I really want to try that hyperthreading shit. :headbang:

51C loaded at 1.71V and using a zalman Cu6000 with the fan at the lowest setting. quiet as a baby.

Altron, i can afford a 2700+, why get a 2600+? :D

I'm at 3000+ ish ratings here, and it does indeed whip my PIV 2.8 at 3.25Ghz in all except Divx encoding (which is why i got the sodder in the first place)

oh, and upp your bus speed 1Mhz more so you'll get the full 1.6Ghz ;) if thats a decent 1.6 Northwood (if 512k L2 it is) you might get 2Ghz+ easy if the board can up fsb any.
It's an Intel motherboard, and a crappy Williamette
New puter (coming soon to a table near me) will have 1800+ T-Bred A :D
A? not overclocking any then? :D i barely got 1.6-73Ghz from those cores, and thats about the same as i got from some pali 1800+'s.
I've got a xp2000+ on a AK77 Pro board.
I'm trying to sell that one. I'll probably replace it with
a 2600+-333 or 2700 depending on the price at that time.

I wish I had gotten a 333 board when I got that AK77 Pro.:(
NateDawg at Mikhailtech has "Like a pentium on crack" on his T-Bird spec in his sig (but he got 2400+ awhile ago and still hasn't run 3D Mark)
Maybe I need to try Corsair.
God knows Samsumg ain't worth a shit.

I got some micron that lasted about 2 months.:shrug:
I thought Samsung was pretty good :confuse3:
Not up there with Corsair, bu definetly above generic...