Mac people are freaks...

maybe it just lost the will to live becasue nix wasn't around enough to pay it attantion ;)
i know just how well right button mice work - my mac-friend bought himself a nice m$ optical mouse to use on his lappy :D
/me wants a shiny new G4

AFAIK macs actually use a lot of the same components as PCs, you can go mucking around inside if you're so inclined. Memory, harddisks, video, are PC components now I think. Here's a company that sells barebone mac kits
Kinda, but not really. Completely different project. My friend obsesses with it, but last night we went out with my kismet laptop and now he's going to try to get kismet working with OSX.

Had a very interesting night. Spent hours just looking though the packet dumps. There's some scary stuff going across the air around here now. All from one store---a store we've never heard anything from before. We were trying to figure out 1) what the info means (relevance to each other, it contained personal info) 2) why it'd be airborne and 3) why airborne in netbios packets in a retail store. :confuse2:

He now thinks kismet is much more powerful than kismac. ;) I'm buying his vagi; can't wait to play with that one. :headbang: