Major Montreal bridge closed all day Monday after man climbs it


Well-Known Member
MONTREAL (CP) - A major city bridge was closed all day Monday after a man climbed to the top of it in a stunt aimed at pushing for more rights for fathers in custody cases.

Thousands of angry motorists had to use other bridges to get to work and back home in communities across the St. Lawrence River from Montreal.

Police spent several hours trying to talk the man down from the Jacques Cartier Bridge before he was escorted to the ground by specially trained officers around 7 p.m. Monday night.

The man, who belongs to a group called Fathers-4-Justice, had said he wasn't coming down until a commission of inquiry was called into the way fathers are treated in family law.

While atop the bridge, he unfurled a banner with the slogan Papa t'aime (Daddy Loves You).

Similar protests took place on the same bridge last May and on a Vancouver construction site a few weeks ago.


It should be noted that the bridge was closed for 13 hours (both morning and evening rush hours). If this cunt thinks he did anything to benefit his cause, he's wrong.
Maybe he should have just camped outside Bush's ranch for awhile. Or took off for New Mexico claiming to have been kidnapped by Hispanics. Or maybe chained himself to a spotted owl or something.
Professur said:
If this cunt thinks he did anything to benefit his cause, he's wrong.
Got your attention didn't he (enough to post not only about his exploits...but his 'cause' )?
Got plenty of air-time (free) on the radio and television. Got hundreds of thousands of people all over the city talking about him and his cause.

Any publicity is good publicity.
Not when I (and now most of Montreal) are actively against anything this ass is associated with. Two people I know were prevented from going for their radiation treatments yesterday because of this ass. I have personally written his group insisting they discredit him, and to several levels of gov't insisting that any funding that group gets be pulled as a direct result of this nonsense. I know that the Entourage and Bell bosses have been onto the Mayor of Montreal to chew him out about it.

When your group depends on public opinion, there very well is such a thing as bad press.
Which is worst... your group being talked about in less than perfect light (because they slowed down rush-hour for one day) ... or your group not being talked about at all? Groups do all sorts of things to stop or slow down traffic all the time, or cause headaches to companies (like the day-care workers f'r instance)... the pain and inconvenience caused is soon forgotten, but the publicity lives on.

Prevented? There are several other bridges and a tunnel into Montreal from the 'shore'. Delayed, I can see..but prevented?

Oh...and he didn't block the bridge...the firemen and police did. All he did was climb it, put up a banner and refuse to come down. If they'd left him up there and let traffic flow on...people might've noticed him but he wouldn't have caused the headache.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: One hour rule. If you can't get your shit together and allow the rest of us to get on with our lives within one hour, the police have carte blanche to bring you down in whatever fashion they view as most expedient - opening fire included.

How many other loons has this POS inspired? When we had a jumper off a freeway overpass here in Atlanta awhile back, it became a rash as every loser asswipe in the area turned copycat. Yippee.
MrBishop said:
Which is worst... your group being talked about in less than perfect light (because they slowed down rush-hour for one day) ... or your group not being talked about at all? Groups do all sorts of things to stop or slow down traffic all the time, or cause headaches to companies (like the day-care workers f'r instance)... the pain and inconvenience caused is soon forgotten, but the publicity lives on.

Prevented? There are several other bridges and a tunnel into Montreal from the 'shore'. Delayed, I can see..but prevented?

Oh...and he didn't block the bridge...the firemen and police did. All he did was climb it, put up a banner and refuse to come down. If they'd left him up there and let traffic flow on...people might've noticed him but he wouldn't have caused the headache.

Yes, prevented. And his actions did block the bridge. Pay symantics all you want, this cunt knew what he was doing, and what would happen. If you ask me, the police blocked the bridge to stop people outraged by this bastard from climbing up after him and tossing him off like he deserved.

There are other bridges? Add up the number of lanes total, and do the math. Mercier has three inbound, champlain three, Jac three, Vic two, Laf three. He jacked that by 20%. How many ambulances were caught in that? If you'd been taking Jag to the Childrens' and got caught in that, I think you'd be a little less blase. Not to mention the thousands of dollars wasted across montreal by everyone sitting in that traffic burning gas. Is this asshole gonna pay anyone back for that? Is he gonna pay the salaries of the firemen, and police, and other emergency workers that had to sit on standby for this cunt's convenience?
I was in it...taking my son downtown in rush-hour to the in-laws and then back to the shore for work. Added 20 mins to my drive in and 10 to my drive back.
About as bad as the first week after construction holidays or first week of school.

Ambulances don't cross the bridge in emergencies. First hospital/closest hospital. You should know that by now.

If you're ticked at the guy for making you late for work...OK, be ticked. Don't like his cause. OK. Fine. Not fond of his methods. OK.

but you're digging right now....

**again. How is blocking access to 1 bridge preventing someone from accessing a hospital which is not situated on said bridge, and which is accessible by 3 other bridges and a tunnel?**
MrBishop said:
I was in it...taking my son downtown in rush-hour to the in-laws and then back to the shore for work. Added 20 mins to my drive in and 10 to my drive back.
About as bad as the first week after construction holidays or first week of school.

Ambulances don't cross the bridge in emergencies. First hospital/closest hospital. You should know that by now.

If you're ticked at the guy for making you late for work...OK, be ticked. Don't like his cause. OK. Fine. Not fond of his methods. OK.

but you're digging right now....

**again. How is blocking access to 1 bridge preventing someone from accessing a hospital which is not situated on said bridge, and which is accessible by 3 other bridges and a tunnel?**

Funny, but BOTH SOUTH SHORE HOSPITALS REFUSE AMBULANCES IN ALL BUT LIFE AND DEATH SITUATIONS. WHILE THOSE AMBULANCES ARE STUCK SITTING IN TRAFFIC, WHO'S TAKING THE NEXT CALL??? And perhaps you're not aware of it, but there's a large knot of hospitals practically at the foot of the Jac. In fact, unless you're injured to the west, EVERY hospital is accessed by the Jac. Ever see an ambulance on the Vic? Of course you haven't.

Fond of his methods? the man's a fucking criminal.
Obviously he wasn't gonna jump ,since his cause have used similar tactics in the past including climbing onto Buckingham palace,why was the bridge closed.I've seen many a bridge remain open whislt people climbed around on it(workers) or some poor bastards car broke down/caught fire.I'd blame whoever decided the bridge needed to be closed,the guy would have gotten as hell of a lot less publicity form the occasional motorist seeing him .
A.B.Normal said:
Obviously he wasn't gonna jump ,since his cause have used similar tactics in the past including climbing onto Buckingham palace,why was the bridge closed.I've seen many a bridge remain open whislt people climbed around on it(workers) or some poor bastards car broke down/caught fire.I'd blame whoever decided the bridge needed to be closed,the guy would have gotten as hell of a lot less publicity form the occasional motorist seeing him .

And that's, of course, the answer. Imagine the accidents caused by motorists looking for this retard instead of paying attention to the road.
Professur said:
Fond of his methods? the man's a fucking criminal.
In custody

Bridge-climbing protester ordered held in custody
A frustrated campaigner for fathers' rights who tried to draw attention to his cause by climbing the Jacques Cartier Bridge on Monday is to remain in police custody until tomorrow, a Quebec Court judge ruled yesterday.

Frustrated? Let him out, I'll show the fucker frustrated.

Did you know that construction crews pay fines of $1000/minute for keeping lanes closed past a certain time (usually 6am). Charge the fucker with that.
Next BBQ..I'll introduce you to a guy called 'Paul' and let him regale you with his story re: his son. If after hearing all about the BS and lies that the judge swallowed from his ex-wife, you don't understand the frustration that some fathers go through regarding child-custody, I'll understand your point.

You won't get to meet his son though. His ex talked a friend of hers into calling the police anonymously to report a child beating. The cops got there, found the kid bruised and battered and put Paul in jail. The friend forgot to mention that the kid was bruised and battered because he'd fallen down some stairs at her (the ex) place. He got out of jail when the kid explained where he'd gotten the bruises. BUT the custody judge heard 'arrested for child beating' from his ex's lawyers mouth, and without checking the facts... put a zero-custody rating on him and Paul can now not get within 100 feet of his son, can't even call his son on the phone.

That's one of about 20 stories that he'll regale you with. Free up about 2 hours, you'll need them.
Fathers do need better treatment in the American courts & I'll presume in the Canadian courts too.

This guy, on the other hand, deserves to be force fed from a Remington.
What I want to know is how he thought this would be the way to help his cause.... Yeah, sure, climbing tall structures can get you publicity, but is that kind of publicity the kind that's going to further your cause? Are the courts suddenly going to go... "Wait, a guy clung to a bridge for hours, that must mean you have more rights to your child, here ya go!".... righhhht.
Liliandra said:
What I want to know is how he thought this would be the way to help his cause.... Yeah, sure, climbing tall structures can get you publicity, but is that kind of publicity the kind that's going to further your cause? Are the courts suddenly going to go... "Wait, a guy clung to a bridge for hours, that must mean you have more rights to your child, here ya go!".... righhhht.

If the guy was like Bish's friend (and several friends of mine) they have nothing to lose ,they are desperate just to have someone listen to their side of the story.It worked to ,looked at the discussion of fathers rights its brought up here.
True, but there's also been extensive talk about several designs on his death as well... I don't doubt that fathers do need more representation in courts etc (though I don't think my father or mother should've been allowed near children)... they do (under normal circumstances) deserve a chance to have their children. A dear friend of mine is having similar problems at this point. All I'm saying is that there are constructive ways of getting your point out there, and there are destructive ways (such as shutting down a major access point).