Major Office Update


Major contributor!
MS has released a major update, Office 2003 SP1. Since I've got every damn MS product on this thing, it's a 80MB download for me, but for Office itself, it looks like a 17-18MB download.
My lovely sister (whom I now hate) just won XP Pro and Office 2003 Pro at a seminar. I'll make sure she knows. :)
k so you guys go right ahead and install it, and I'll wait and see what problems you have before I do it.


I got mine, along with a shit load of other software, XP Pro, Server this, server that, Visio, One Note, Project, and all the other crap through that partner program. Thing is, I only paid $299 for all the crap they put in it. Anyway, I gotta keep up on this because I'm the one that's gotta make sure it runs before I put it on a customers computer. So far so good though. There are a couple Junk Filter updates that greatly improved the filtering of the spam coming. Might wanna grab those just for the sake of the spam out there.
*hasn't used office for a long time......
*would rather make use of LaTeX for making documents....
Inkara1 said:
*still uses Office 2000

same here...nothing has convinced me that i should use any newer version...nothing essential has been added so far.

at least i'm not stuck with crappy menu's and stuff like that...
When you're finally fed up with Microshaft, the Open-Source world is there for you. - because it's better to have a big, open office than a small plushy one.(extreme play on words)
Kawaii said:
When you're finally fed up with Microshaft, the Open-Source world is there for you. - because it's better to have a big, open office than a small plushy one.(extreme play on words)

Unless you deal withg corporate clients. Most of those boys still use Office.
Actually, 2000 has worked quite well for me. It seems to be leaner than XP/2003, but the file sizes are smaller than 97. Plus, I got it for $20 legally.