Makes me so mad... yet full of sorrow!


Some of you may know that I work in a 6th form/further education college (16 - adult education) I work in the callcentre and take absences and enrolments...

What makes me mad is when I get this...

Me (Best phone voice): "Good morning City of "doo-dah" College, Claire speaking"

Caller (roughter than rough dialect): "Yeh A need ta call in me daughter's absence like..."

Me: "No problem... name... date of birth... *confirm name*... reason for absence"

Caller: "Why shas bin gettin pains in her back and that and the midwife..."

... at this point I can't help it.. I scroll my screen back up to the personal details section and highlight age...

16 years 4 months old! AGAIN! 16 YEARS 4 MONTHS OLD!

" shas gotta have like complete bed rest and that like for the babby"

Me: (through gritted teeth) "Okay I'm just inputting that now... absences over 15 hours a term may affect... *blah-de-blah*"

For the love of God... or which ever higher being if any you would seek guidance from!!!!!! The girl... the child... is having a child! It is hardly surprising Britain has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates... these people feel no shame! If my daughter were pregnant... I certainly wouldn't be happy telling all and sundrie about her condition!!!!!!!

It makes me so MAD but then later I always get this feeling of sadness... and all I can think of is situations similar to that involving that poor 2 year old Adrianna DaSilva... the "mother's" life is ruined as well as the childs.. and we as tax payers will pay for this child expecting a child's mistake.
Some of the high schools in Fresno have day cares... and not as part of a childcare class. By Fresno standards, 16 years 4 months is quite old to be getting started with the kids. Sad to say, but this story doesn't even faze me in the slightest. I'm not sure what that says about the teen pregnancy situation in California.
Inkara1 said:
Some of the high schools in Fresno have day cares... and not as part of a childcare class. By Fresno standards, 16 years 4 months is quite old to be getting started with the kids. Sad to say, but this story doesn't even faze me in the slightest. I'm not sure what that says about the teen pregnancy situation in California.

It shouldn't phase me but it does...

Difference is here... the rest of the nation has to pay for the fact that Kylie/Donna/Danielle etc etc can't keep her legs closed or make a mature decision about dealing with the consequences.
ClaireBear said:
It shouldn't phase me but it does...

Difference is here... the rest of the nation has to pay for the fact that Kylie/Donna/Danielle etc etc can't keep her legs closed or make a mature decision about dealing with the consequences.

Same here in the US. Welfare, food stamps, medi-care, medic-aid, section 8...all add up to a free ride for life if a young lady desires. All she need do is have a baby every 2 years-or-so, and she gets hand-outs until she's old enough for social security. Not all cases are like that, but enough of them exist to give folks who actually have no choice a bad name...
Gato_Solo said:
Same here in the US. Welfare, food stamps, medi-care, medic-aid, section 8...all add up to a free ride for life if a young lady desires. All she need do is have a baby every 2 years-or-so, and she gets hand-outs until she's old enough for social security. Not all cases are like that, but enough of them exist to give folks who actually have no choice a bad name...

Yeah... but you see things so differently...

*Crappy example*

On Ricky Lake/Springer/Sally "whatever the f**k shas called" if someone stands up and says

"I have four kids and I'm on welfare... I can't find me no job"

The place is in up roar... the audiance shouts and boos and does that arm waving thing...

It is an unacceptable thing to do... a last resort.. .with a huuuge social stigma attached!

In Blighty someone says the same and its just fine... its soacially acceptable here... probably because yes!... there is a shortage of jobs here but the four kids... they are optional!!!!!!

Entire streets in certain areas are often made up of people who do not work and who appear to keep on having kid after kid to keep themselve on benefits for cigarette, booze and tracksuit money!
There's the rub, now, innit? Most people on welfare, etc., won't show up on international television. I'm not against helping somebody down on their luck for a short period of time, but from cradle-to-grave is doing nothing to help them. To me, it's nothing more than government slavery. They don't have to work...they don't have to contribute to society...they have become a permanent underclass. No spirit left in them because they grew up within the system of handouts. What will they do if the handouts ever stop?
Gato_Solo said:
There's the rub, now, innit? Most people on welfare, etc., won't show up on international television.

In Blighty the Trisha show is designed with those people in mind!!!!!! :lol2:

I'm not against helping somebody down on their luck for a short period of time, but from cradle-to-grave is doing nothing to help them. To me, it's nothing more than government slavery. They don't have to work...they don't have to contribute to society...they have become a permanent underclass. No spirit left in them because they grew up within the system of handouts. What will they do if the handouts ever stop?

Its a vicious cycle...

If they stop or its not enough they generally resort to crime...

Oooh... this should be moved to Real Life me thinks!

Pooh! I have no Modly powers!
you can't blame the welfare system. you have to blame the people. the welfare system is there to help. the people are the ones who are lowering their standards to be content to live off of handouts from the government. i am on food stamps and medicaid for me and my children, however you will not see me getting knocked up to keep my benefits. somewhere along the line i've learned that trading 18 years of your life is not worth the breadcrumbs the government will toss at you feet. but, unfortunately, this is a lifestyle that is being passed down through the generations.
when i was at DFAS a while ago i helped a 14 (!!!) year old pregnant hispanic girl with almost no english skills fill out her paperwork. what the hell does her life have in store for her?
ClaireBear said:
Some of you may know that I work in a 6th form/further education college (16 - adult education) I work in the callcentre and take absences and enrolments...

What makes me mad is when I get this...

Me (Best phone voice): "Good morning City of "doo-dah" College, Claire speaking"

Caller (roughter than rough dialect): "Yeh A need ta call in me daughter's absence like..."

Me: "No problem... name... date of birth... *confirm name*... reason for absence"

Caller: "Why shas bin gettin pains in her back and that and the midwife..."

... at this point I can't help it.. I scroll my screen back up to the personal details section and highlight age...

16 years 4 months old! AGAIN! 16 YEARS 4 MONTHS OLD!

" shas gotta have like complete bed rest and that like for the babby"

Me: (through gritted teeth) "Okay I'm just inputting that now... absences over 15 hours a term may affect... *blah-de-blah*"

For the love of God... or which ever higher being if any you would seek guidance from!!!!!! The girl... the child... is having a child! It is hardly surprising Britain has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates... these people feel no shame! If my daughter were pregnant... I certainly wouldn't be happy telling all and sundrie about her condition!!!!!!!

It makes me so MAD but then later I always get this feeling of sadness... and all I can think of is situations similar to that involving that poor 2 year old Adrianna DaSilva... the "mother's" life is ruined as well as the childs.. and we as tax payers will pay for this child expecting a child's mistake.

Of course. She should have just had an abortion and gotten back to class, right?:rolleyes:
Professur said:
Of course. She should have just had an abortion and gotten back to class, right?:rolleyes:
no. if she wanted to fuck like an adult she should have protected herself like one. i think we all know where babies come from by the time we are teenagers. she was irresponsible.
Professur said:
Of course. She should have just had an abortion and gotten back to class, right?:rolleyes:

No... at 15 1/2 she shouldn't have been having sex in the first place!!!!

But you all know my views concerning the right to choice.
it is too bad... but hormones have a tendency to take over reason in many people... and kids are irresponsible by nature... aint nothing in the world gonna change that... i bet you for every 16-year-old mother there are ten that could have been... that said, things can be done to mitigate the situation

my solution is comprehensive sex-ed starting before puberty (i.e. ten-years-old) and easily available free birth control, with no strings attached... you can't just leave it to the parents (who often made the same mistakes themselves)
brownjenkins said:
it is too bad... but hormones have a tendency to take over reason in many people... and kids are irresponsible by nature... aint nothing in the world gonna change that... i bet you for every 16-year-old mother there are ten that could have been... that said, things can be done to mitigate the situation

my solution is comprehensive sex-ed starting before puberty (i.e. ten-years-old) and easily available free birth control, with no strings attached... you can't just leave it to the parents (who often made the same mistakes themselves)

That is one of the worst excuses for irresponsible behavior ever uttered in history.
Pubblik educashion is my frend. It tolded me al i kneeded too now about condoms.
16 years and 4 months.. Well, I'll just stay quiet on that one. Cause that's how old I was when I got pregnant. :sperm:
brownjenkins said:
it is too bad... but hormones have a tendency to take over reason in many people... and kids are irresponsible by nature... aint nothing in the world gonna change that... i bet you for every 16-year-old mother there are ten that could have been... that said, things can be done to mitigate the situation

my solution is comprehensive sex-ed starting before puberty (i.e. ten-years-old) and easily available free birth control, with no strings attached... you can't just leave it to the parents (who often made the same mistakes themselves)

YEA :jump: WOOHOO!!! :jump:

I can now act like an animal & I've a perfectly reasonable biological excuse. :rolleyes:

Humanity either controls itself & rises above the animal world or it sinks down & never surpasses even the lowly worm.