Manual labor


New Member
I've had jobs where there was a lot of physical activity involved and jobs where I drove a desk. I finally found a happy medium to both in my current job and I found I really missed using my hands and muscles to get the job done. There's a certain satisfaction you get after a day of physical labor that I never got when I worked in offices.

What about you? What kind of job would you prefer?
A mix of both...I don't want a job with just physical labor, but just sitting behind a desk isn't great either :)
Example: managing some technical project, and get down to the workshop to take a look, and also assist there for a while :)
fortunately my job means days out on site to oversea building, surveys, visits, etc, plus a good helping of nice warm offices.
I'm currently studying to become a Pimp but I can't seem to find the right hat. Thus, I find myself trudging thru mall after mall, looking, and its getting just a bit too physical.... :D
I work at a desk all day, but with the children, they keep me moving at night and on weekends. I was a carpet-layer for 6 years, and I'll tell you right now, I like the desk job ALOT better.
I also prefer a mix. After all...I don't want to start spreading out in the wrong spots... ;)
Once a month our office has a "give back" day - we get into the dirt and work the land .. it's a great time but it's usually held on a day when I have to teach a class *sniff* ...
My work is carrying me all over, and i do lift a bit but sometimes i supervise, so coffee and chat with boss while looking over the network through the computer time is there too :D
I don't like physical labor. I wouldn't want to do it, ever. I wouldn't mind physical labor if you count travelling and walking around in very nice places as physical (or labor, even!).
My job at the moment is kind of physical, I suppose. Bringing down big boxes of books all the time.
My last job had both. Even in former jobs I often had something physical to do coz I was always the ladies' resident muscle. They always need someone to do the hard work and I used to be the the only one willing to help :)
My job is a 9-5 desk job (programming), and I like it. Sure, physical labor has given me some satisfaction in the past, but to me it's nothing compared to the brainfood I get now. Plus, I can go to OTC all day long :headbang:... yes, I am at work at the moment, it's 9:23 and I'm still trying to open my eyes... :D