Marijuana top US cash crop

Next time, find a site that knows the paint company is Sherwin Williams and NOT Sherman Williams.
Wow, you're whole point then comes down to pointing out that marijuana is illegal. Hey everybody, SnP says marijuana is illegal! I bet none of you knew that.

Does that make your comparison to child molesting valid? Not in the least.

Does it add anything at all to the conversation? Not in the least.

Dodge all you like. The point is made. You choose to avoid it.
Not superstition...conspiracy

Except I was discussing heroin, not marijuana. MJ is a fair analgesic but it won't do much for cancer patients. OTOH, they give cancer patients morphine (like heroin an opium derivative) which is just as addictive and not nearly as effective. Why, you ask? Because we don't "like" heroin.

Site, please?

BTW...the only reason hemp production was pushed in the US was because of rope and cloth for the navy. Marijuana, while related to the hemp plant, is not, nor has it ever been, hemp. Hemp production was lambasted because of its similarities to marijuana, even though its THC content was negligible. Guilt by association, as it were...
Maybe we need to get Bish to spark up some old rope as a science experiment. :D
they give cancer patients morphine (like heroin an opium derivative) which is just as addictive and not nearly as effective.

[Voice Of Experience] Morphine worked for me. Quite well in fact. Little if any withdrawal. Now, the Fentonil (sp?) was a different story. It worked, but I never want to experience anything like coming off that stuff. Ever. And FTR, I passed on the medicinal marijuana that my oncologist offered me too. [/VOE]
[Voice Of Experience] Morphine worked for me. Quite well in fact. Little if any withdrawal. Now, the Fentonil (sp?) was a different story. It worked, but I never want to experience anything like coming off that stuff. Ever. And FTR, I passed on the medicinal marijuana that my oncologist offered me too. [/VOE]
I'm going on Dara's experience and clinical evidence I read years ago. I don't know about the Fentonil (or the spelling either). Re the medicinal marijuana, your decision but it's a pretty good general analgesic. However, it's not even available anymore.
Back in the day when I was smoking (read purchasing) marijuana and I had just had my tubes tied I discovered that the pot worked better than the hydrocodone (sp?).
It's available here, but (surprise me) everyone complains it's not as strong as the shit they get from the kid around the corner.
This is the first one that I found. Don't mind the name 'illuminati', eh.

:rofl4:...illuminati...:rofl4: I hate to say this, but that site is propaganda to legalize pot, plain and simple.

The pot plant is an ALIEN plant. There is physical evidence that cannabis is not like any other plant on this planet. One could conclude that it was brought here for the benefit of humanity. Hemp is the ONLY plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically! No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes; except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, Earthly plant is: You have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass. The hemp plant has an intense sexuallity. Growers know to kill the males before they fertilize the females. Yes, folks...the most potent pot comes from 'horny females.'

Back in the day when I was smoking (read purchasing) marijuana and I had just had my tubes tied I discovered that the pot worked better than the hydrocodone (sp?).

I used to get headaches from time to time after standing in front of a guitar amp all evening (if you can imagine that). Nothing I ever tried worked as well. I've been told it's the bees knees for menstrual cramping as well.

I should note here that I don't use it anymore. I like a good buzz as much as the next guy (maybe more) but it's not worth losing my job over. If, however, they legalized it tomorrow I'd be rollin' a fatty tomorrow evening. Wanna bet I still know how?
It does work great on cramps. I'd buy and keep on hand again in the drop of a hat if was legal. I really miss it.
Although I can't roll to save my life...I was always a pipe kinda gal.
haven't touched it in a fair ol' while (barring a VERY odd and VERY rare social toke) and don't miss it ..

but i did my "time" as it were in days gone by.

I largely enjoyed them and that is that. I still enjoy life, but without the "dope". Don't need it. Don't want it.

Good days, full of liofe and hope and vigour... and er ... some days with less vigour and , er - more hunger (for food that is ;) )

But hunger for life is the real deal, ultimately.

hereth endeth the lesson, from a man who's current office-bin looks like an ad for a certain Belgian brewer! :grinyes:

...bah humbug - it's christmas, and we all been working round the bleedin clock!!
Funny thing is that I could have a weeks worth of MJ for the price I paid fot this bottle of Sauvingon Blanc I drank tonight.