Marijuana top US cash crop

No, actually at least in my state smoking weed is a minor misdemeanor punishable by a small fine (or legal for medical uses) and molesting children is a felony punishable by mandatory prison. You're state treats them as equal offences?

I never said equal offenses. I said equally illegal. A thing is either legal or illegal. No gray area. Comprehend that, and we may debate.
I never said equal offenses. I said equally illegal. A thing is either legal or illegal. No gray area. Comprehend that, and we may debate.

You said "equally illegal" which they are not. The question is should marijuana be legal. Of course it's illegal now, but should it be? Should the feds but out and let states decide?

Unless you think that anything that was once illegal should never be legal.
maybe if they decriminalized pot, then the prisons wouldnt be filling up with low level dealers that have nobody to rat out in exchange for lighter sentences. in turn, that would leave more room for for the child molesters to stay in prison longer.
You said "equally illegal" which they are not. The question is should marijuana be legal. Of course it's illegal now, but should it be? Should the feds but out and let states decide?

Unless you think that anything that was once illegal should never be legal.

That's a debate for politicians and lawmakers. You'll not achieve anything arguing the point here. I believe the point SnP made was .... It's illegal ...NOW. For right or wrong, like it or not.
maybe if they decriminalized pot, then the prisons wouldnt be filling up with low level dealers that have nobody to rat out in exchange for lighter sentences. in turn, that would leave more room for for the child molesters to stay in prison longer.

do they deserve more room though?

what are you suggesting Big Dave - 1,000 square foot pads?

i'd say smaller cells and longer sentences.
Hell...why not make it an automatic death sentence to be caught with it on your person, and in your system. ;)
Hell...why not make it an automatic death sentence to be caught with it on your person, and in your system. ;)

DO YOU MIND??? :grumpy:

I'm just getting involved in some serious million $ investments in the movie industry.

Madman is up 6% already!! :grinyes:

(you'll put jitters through the market, mate ;) )
You said "equally illegal" which they are not.

Gonna try this one more time.

Something is legal or it is illegal. Stop here until you understand that simple statement.

Good. Now having established a basic grasp of the concept of legailty, I stand by the statement that a thing is by its essence legal or illegal. There is no such thing as "kind of legal".

Still with me? Great.

Now. Since both behaviors are deemed illegal by our current set of laws, then by definition one is as illegal as the other. Hence, equally illegal. One carries a greater punishment than the other, but both are illegal. Just like speeding and murder are both illegal, yet one is a tad more serious than the other.

Do I personally think marijuana should be legalized? No. No more than I think abortion should be legalized, or flag burning, or looting. If it becomes legal, then life goes on with marijuana legalized. It won't impact me personally because I don't smoke it, nor would I if it were legal.

Oh, and from the one who likes to accuse others of dodging questions...

Dope smoker, aincha?

Your agenda is showing.
DO YOU MIND??? :grumpy:

I'm just getting involved in some serious million $ investments in the movie industry.

Madman is up 6% already!! :grinyes:

(you'll put jitters through the market, mate ;) )

Should've invested somewhere else... :devious:

Anyhow...Since this is about whether something is illegal or not, the points some are trying to make here are moot. The bottom line is, you're not supposed to be doing it. Cross that line willingly, and you're an idiot if you complain when you get caught. :shrug:
Gonna try this one more time.

Something is legal or it is illegal. Stop here until you understand that simple statement.

Good. Now having established a basic grasp of the concept of legailty, I stand by the statement that a thing is by its essence legal or illegal. There is no such thing as "kind of legal".

Still with me? Great.

Now. Since both behaviors are deemed illegal by our current set of laws, then by definition one is as illegal as the other. Hence, equally illegal. One carries a greater punishment than the other, but both are illegal. Just like speeding and murder are both illegal, yet one is a tad more serious than the other.

Do I personally think marijuana should be legalized? No. No more than I think abortion should be legalized, or flag burning, or looting. If it becomes legal, then life goes on with marijuana legalized. It won't impact me personally because I don't smoke it, nor would I if it were legal.

Oh, and from the one who likes to accuse others of dodging questions...

Your agenda is showing.

Wow, you're whole point then comes down to pointing out that marijuana is illegal. Hey everybody, SnP says marijuana is illegal! I bet none of you knew that.

Does that make your comparison to child molesting valid? Not in the least.

Does it add anything at all to the conversation? Not in the least.
Should've invested somewhere else... :devious:

Anyhow...Since this is about whether something is illegal or not, the points some are trying to make here are moot. The bottom line is, you're not supposed to be doing it. Cross that line willingly, and you're an idiot if you complain when you get caught. :shrug:


Now first, I know for certain it was the number one cash crop in the early eighties. There were years since when it wasn't??? Whoda thunk it.

Legalizing it is a no-brainer. Unfortunately there is much more money to be made and spread around by keeping it illegal, so illegal it will remain.

It's one of the most unconscionable, moronic things in the US that you can legally buy and use alcohol and tobacco products and yet not marijuana.

Throughout history, prohibition has never worked. Never ever. The problem with history is that no one ever learns from it.

Finally, a non-marijuana aside. Isn't it also uncoscionable that terminally ill cancer patients are not allowed the best pain reliever available because of superstition?
Throughout history, prohibition has never worked. Never ever. The problem with history is that no one ever learns from it.

Finally, a non-marijuana aside. Isn't it also uncoscionable that terminally ill cancer patients are not allowed the best pain reliever available because of superstition?

Ummm...prohibition doesn't work if it isn't enforced with zeal. Take the US dabbling with prohibition. It was illegal to buy, sell, or mass-produce alcoholic beverages. It was not illegal, however, to possess alcoholic beverages. There will always be those who break the laws, but enforcing the law against big person and little person alike would change things quite drastically. Imagine the Kennedy's sitting in the local Jusgado during prohibition, and then ask if it works...;)
Ummm...prohibition doesn't work if it isn't enforced with zeal. Take the US dabbling with prohibition. It was illegal to buy, sell, or mass-produce alcoholic beverages. It was not illegal, however, to possess alcoholic beverages. There will always be those who break the laws, but enforcing the law against big person and little person alike would change things quite drastically. Imagine the Kennedy's sitting in the local Jusgado during prohibition, and then ask if it works...;)

Didn't say it couldn't work Gato, just that it never has for exactly the reasons you state. :shrug: The little guys get nailed and the big guys skate. It's always been that way. As the popular line goes, "It's all about the Benjamins."
Didn't say it couldn't work Gato, just that it never has for exactly the reasons you state. :shrug: The little guys get nailed and the big guys skate. It's always been that way. As the popular line goes, "It's all about the Benjamins."

Unfortunately, yes.
Finally, a non-marijuana aside. Isn't it also uncoscionable that terminally ill cancer patients are not allowed the best pain reliever available because of superstition?

Not superstition...conspiracy
Where did the word 'marijuana' come from? In the mid 1930s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:

* All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, Jack Frazier, 1974.

* It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1800s; LA Times, Aug. 12, 1981.

* REFUSING TO GROW HEMP in America during the 17th and 18th Centuries WAS AGAINST THE LAW! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769; Hemp in Colonial Virginia, G. M. Herdon.

* George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers GREW HEMP; Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.

* Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow's export to England; Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer.

* For thousands of years, 90% of all ships' sails and rope were made from hemp. The word 'canvas' is Dutch for cannabis; Webster's New World Dictionary.

* 80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc. were made from hemp until the 1820s with the introduction of the cotton gin.

* The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross's flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp; U.S. Government Archives.

* The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century; State Archives.

* Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.

* Rembrants, Gainsboroughs, Van Goghs as well as most early canvas paintings were principally painted on hemp linen.

* In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs; Department of Agriculture

* Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935; Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.

* Henry Ford's first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONTRUCTED FROM HEMP! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, 'grown from the soil,' had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel; Popular Mechanics, 1941.

* Hemp called 'Billion Dollar Crop.' It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars; Popular Mechanics, Feb., 1938.

* Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled 'The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.' It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture's 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing 'patriotic American farmers' to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:

'...(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable...

...Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese...American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries...

...the Navy's rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!'

Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film 'Hemp for Victory' did not exist.

Hemp cultivation and production do not harm the environment. The USDA Bulletin #404 concluded that hemp produces 4 times as much pulp with at least 4 to 7 times less pollution. From Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938:

'It has a short growing season...It can be grown in any state...The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year's crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds.
...hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.'

In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp. This single resource could have created millions of new jobs generating thousands of quality products. Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression.

William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst's grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.

In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont's Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of Dupont's business.
Not superstition...conspiracy

Site, please?

BTW...the only reason hemp production was pushed in the US was because of rope and cloth for the navy. Marijuana, while related to the hemp plant, is not, nor has it ever been, hemp. Hemp production was lambasted because of its similarities to marijuana, even though its THC content was negligible. Guilt by association, as it were...