Not only have I never tried it, I don't think I've ever seen it. I'm almost tempted to hop in the car and mob on over to my friendly local 24-hour FoodMaxx and see if they have any. Almost.
Marmite is a brown sludge resembling a reddish black glazed peanut butter that is the condensed residue of beer brewing yeast. It is a super salty, highly vitamin B and niacin rich, almost beef boulion tasting stuff. Its very tasty when used in small amounts on toast and whatnot. You definitely dont want to overdo using the stuff. Vegemite is the Australian version of it.
Tis a by-product of the British empire. You would normally only find it in countries that have had some form of allegience with the monarchy in the last century... India, Austrailia, New Zealand, Bahamas, Canada ...
my mom is from new zealand. she was raised on it and she attempted to raise me on it. want to see me toss my cookies? between marmite and tuna casserole you will have a winner,