

If you want a marriage to last, there's really only one thing you both need to do. Marry. Not in the religious sense, or the civil sense, but in the absolute one. So many people forget what the word really means. It means "to fuse, or mix inseparably". Start thinking "we" all the time instead of "Him and I". Make your decisions that way.

No, it's not easy, because in this world today, we're taught to take what we want ... but that doesn't work for a marriage. Never will.

If you want a marriage to last, there's really only one thing you both need to do. Marry. Not in the religious sense, or the civil sense, but in the absolute one. So many people forget what the word really means. It means "to fuse, or mix inseparably". Start thinking "we" all the time instead of "Him and I". Make your decisions that way.

No, it's not easy, because in this world today, we're taught to take what we want ... but that doesn't work for a marriage. Never will.

oh that´s so true!! We are one...always. Its hard not to, you know. We are soo much alike and have the same perspective in life that, the "we" thing just comes naturally. We love eachother as I cant see myself without him, he´s my life!!!!:grinyes:
Love is nice, lust is nice, but how about when you've just had a blowout fight and been throwing pots and dishes at each other? You're screaming, he's raging and the neighbours are wondering if they should dial for the police before or after the ambulance. What then?
Love is nice, lust is nice, but how about when you've just had a blowout fight and been throwing pots and dishes at each other? You're screaming, he's raging and the neighbours are wondering if they should dial for the police before or after the ambulance. What then?

Wow, how tragic. Well, we usually talk things through and never let them get out of hand. I know we are going to argue and stuff but it doesnt worry me at this time. I know we´ll work things out ;)
Keep a tight rein on the finances for the wedding/reception. The $170/pp wedding may look gorgeous, but after it's all said and done...what people will remember is not the centre-pieces, nor the meal..but the conversations, the dancing and the look in your eyes. Big wedding bills last longer than people's impressions of the lavishness of your your money per person, and invite more people instead.


Luisette said:
he´s my life!!!!

Sounds romantic...just don't take it too far. Trading in everything that you are in order to become simply Mrs. Luis doesn't cut it for long. You have to be able to think and discuss things together, and work together WITHOUT sacrificing who you are.

And before any naysayers come in...let me say this. You fell in love with him as an individual, and he did the same for you. The moment that you give up your become someone else than who he fell in love with, and vice versa. Just because you're married doesn't mean that you give up your friends, hobbies, dreams and desires for the everpopular "we".

"We" is just a term meaning two or more individuals standing or working long as you don't forget that, you and he will do just fine.
Keep a tight rein on the finances for the wedding/reception. The $170/pp wedding may look gorgeous, but after it's all said and done...what people will remember is not the centre-pieces, nor the meal..but the conversations, the dancing and the look in your eyes. Big wedding bills last longer than people's impressions of the lavishness of your your money per person, and invite more people instead.


Sounds romantic...just don't take it too far. Trading in everything that you are in order to become simply Mrs. Luis doesn't cut it for long. You have to be able to think and discuss things together, and work together WITHOUT sacrificing who you are.

And before any naysayers come in...let me say this. You fell in love with him as an individual, and he did the same for you. The moment that you give up your become someone else than who he fell in love with, and vice versa. Just because you're married doesn't mean that you give up your friends, hobbies, dreams and desires for the everpopular "we".

"We" is just a term meaning two or more individuals standing or working long as you don't forget that, you and he will do just fine.


I absolutely agree with you on the money spending and the individuality. I think that it has kept us together as better humans. We do things together but we also have an individual life. Im not the kind of person that just lives through his eyes. I have never changed for anybody and he likes how I am as much as I like how he is. We are together to work better as a couple, but our hobbies, friends, etc are a whole diferente story. I love that he´s independent just as I am and we trust eachother a lot. The people that forget about their individuality are in for a big downfall. ;)
On a side note, I fianlly took my ex-fiance's ring back to the store. It was a small mom-and-pop shop so they worked with me. Basically, the rung itself got scrapped, and they bought the diamonds back 60 percent cash 40 percent store credit. Of course, every penny I got went to paying down debt rung up during the relationship/engagement. Now I've got $1,500 in store credit... dunno when I'll use it.
As some of you know Luis G and me are getting married. What would be your advice for us?



On the 1st anniversary of the two year anniversary of your first meeting, you may know each other sufficiently.

On the 1st anniversary of the two year anniversary of your first meeting, you may know each other sufficiently.

So three years after they first met?? That doesn't sound unreasonable to me...

P.S. I'm still not used to this us agreeing freaks me out everytime.
$3750 just for the diamonds??

A bit over that, yeah.

I figured it was my best option... the pawn shop told me I'd be lucky to get half the value there (total) and selling it on consignment, stores that do that sort of thing would lower the price so it would sell, plus probably take 30 percent, and then I'd be stuck waiting until it sells... and most people looking at it would probably be like Caity and her friends and not understand the difference in quality between the stones on that ring and those on a ring that's half the price at Zales or Kay, and thus the cost differential.
A bit over that, yeah.

I figured it was my best option... the pawn shop told me I'd be lucky to get half the value there (total) and selling it on consignment, stores that do that sort of thing would lower the price so it would sell, plus probably take 30 percent, and then I'd be stuck waiting until it sells... and most people looking at it would probably be like Caity and her friends and not understand the difference in quality between the stones on that ring and those on a ring that's half the price at Zales or Kay, and thus the cost differential.

I hope you learned your lesson...the third time you buy a ring I hope it's for the right girl...

That said, I wanna pawn a necklace Chris gave me...I don't care how much i get for it, I just want enough to buy a nice silver much below value do pawnshops usually give?
So three years after they first met?? That doesn't sound unreasonable to me...

P.S. I'm still not used to this us agreeing freaks me out everytime.

Yep. Court foir two years then work on life.

The first year is lust.

The second is getting to know one another.

The third is life. much below value do pawnshops usually give?
all of it.
Yep. Court foir two years then work on life.

The first year is lust.

The second is getting to know one another.

The third is life.

Yeah, my one relationship ended just after the 2 year anniversary and my other ended about 4 or so months into the second year (although I knew for like 3 months before that that I wanted it to end), I figure I need to be in a relationship longer than either of those to be sure it's gonna work...because I've seen how relationships can turn in the first couple years.

all of it.
