Marxism has taken hold

hey gonz, you know you'd never be able to support your family had it not been for left-leaning agitators who got labor wages inflated.

I bet those lefties were farther right than you are. On the other hand, what good is it to underpay employees? They can't buy the goods that they are making, making the value of those goods less. Ask Mr Ford about that.

Asd to my use of Marxist...perhaps you ought to read the maifesto & compare it to where we are heading. Nanny state & share the wealth equates to lower standards ever time it's tried.
On the other hand, what good is it to underpay employees? They can't buy the goods that they are making, making the value of those goods less.

Worked just fine for generations of West Virginia coal miners though, didn't it? They still owe their soul to the comp'ny store you know, just now they ain't got as many men left to make the dollar with. And how 'bout them Mississippi and Alabama and Tennessee and Georgia sharecroppers? Guess they don't rank as statistically significant either.

Funny thing though. McDonald's and Burger King and Taco Bell seem to manage just fine underpaying their employees. Wonder why that is? You'll work 10 times harder in a burger joint for less money than you ever will in a typical factory. At least the factory lets you work your full 8 hours instead of working you for every ounce you got then rushing you off the clock so some acne-infested assistant manager's hourly distribution worksheet is within corporate compliance range.
Supply & demand.

Lots of burger joint jobs & you can buy the goods on the wages they pay. Entry level position. It's like putting your family members to work in the shitty part of the job where you work so they can realize that HS, then college, is the way to go. A little hard work increases the enthusiasm for education.

Those miners who worked for the company store had everything provided for them...say, does that remind you of anything?

Spike, governments that provide healthcare are stepping back from it. The cost is overwhelming the system. They are rationaing care because the system cannot provide what it promised. The elderly are already being denied life saving measures because it's not cost effective.
Those miners who worked for the company store had everything provided for them...say, does that remind you of anything?

Please, please tell me you did not say that. Because if you did, you are beyond redemption and will be heretofore considered brainwashed and zombied.
Well let's see....the miners provided their back & soul while the company had housing & a bad assortment of retail nearby. The miners bartered most of their income for these "luxuries"...a choice was made.



You really are historically ignorant ain't you?

K, tell ya what we gowna do. You drive that truck where we say when we say how we say as much as we say. Haul what we tell you where we tell you. 100% control of your hours, work week, time off, work conditions, everything. You OK with that?

THEN, we'll give you and your family a place to live. You may not alter it sell it change it disturb it or modify it in any way or you're out on your ass. Oh, did we mention you'll never drive again? Maybe not even walk if one of our Pinkerton boys gets a hair up his ass. You will be paid preCISEly enough cash to keep from qualifying for any assistance program (which were few and far between in those days). The rest is doled out in coupons you may only use in stores owned by the company. We shall control your food as well y'see. No luxury items like a TV or a fan or space with what you got or get the fuck out. With assistance from our goons if needed.

You are a disposable commodity, worth less than what you produce/provide. Your family is worth even less than that. And don't even think about aspiring for better for that boy of yours...he's gonna die of black lung just like you will. We'll make sure you never manage to scrape enough coin together to buy a friggin watermelon much less a college education. That purty lil girl of yours? Well, we know what she's destined for too now don't we? She'll marry another miner's son and squeeze out some more miners for us.

For the love of all things holy man, read a fuggin book sometime. Besides Coulter and Limbaugh. You're as much a puppet as spike and mark are. If it comes out of warshinton you'll parrot it no matter how idiotic it is. You wouldn't know mistreatment if it bit you on the dingle. You sit there and scream about the commies, then endorse what happened in WV and KY and proudly shout capitalism while you do it. I see through it bub. It ain't about the people, it's about the place. If it was you, it'd be different though wouldn't it? Would you let your boy work under conditions like that? Would you do it yourself? Hell no. You're BETTER than that.

Like hell.
You drive that truck where we say when we say how we say as much as we say. 100% control of your hours, work week, time off, work conditions, everything

The company has those policies, yes. So does the federal government. Ever hear about a log book? How about ton-mileage taxes? I am in one of the most controlled businesses there is. Wanna haul water? Better have a tanker endorsement. Oh, you want to haul paint? Where's your haz-mat endorsement (which now comes with an additional $100. fee so that Homeland inSecurity can verify your background) Yu want toi haul doubles...ENDORSEMENT. Air brakes....endorsement....

Don't tell me about control. I get it coming & going.

You are a disposable commodity
Yep. Then, now & tomorrow. Improve your marketable skills.

You do realize that before the industrial revolution, we spent 90% of our time with one goal. To eat. Since then, we spend our time trying to get better toys. Thats' it. Humans need shelter, water & food. EVERYTHING else is greed, which I'm all for. Don't want to dig them mines? GET OUT. Don't want to drive that truck? GET OUT. Don't like them criminal types? GET OUT.

Choice. It's yours.
BTW...for you three smartasses, I've never read a political opinin book. Rush, Ann, Scalia, Garafalo...they're mental masturbation at best. You can drop that spin now.
Spike, governments that provide healthcare are stepping back from it. The cost is overwhelming the system. They are rationaing care because the system cannot provide what it promised. The elderly are already being denied life saving measures because it's not cost effective.

See, there you go again. You say that, I know you wish it were true, but what evidence are you supplying that governments are stepping back from it?


....and then you're talking about rationing care like it doesn't happen with our system.
....and then you're talking about rationing care like it doesn't happen with our system.

Can you show me where a 70 year old man is being told he will not get a new kidney because of his age? I just provided a story about a woman not being given cancer medicine becasue it's not cost-conscious. I've read several stories like this.

We don't ration healthcare. Ther are treatments that are unaffordable to the average joe. That's true with or without nationalized care. However, you can find alternatives when you are in control of your care, When Uncle Sam is in charge, your options are nil.
I bet those lefties were farther right than you are. On the other hand, what good is it to underpay employees? They can't buy the goods that they are making, making the value of those goods less. Ask Mr Ford about that.

Asd to my use of Marxist...perhaps you ought to read the maifesto & compare it to where we are heading. Nanny state & share the wealth equates to lower standards ever time it's tried.

you know so pathetically little about what you're trying to critique.

here's a few things to explore...

  • leftist labor agitators in this country were right of center. especially that IWW group.
  • ford was a great friend to the working man.
  • the manifesto is really what you should read if you want to understand marx.
when you can comment on those things with the slightest bit of erudition, get back to me. i'll hold my breath.
The company has those policies, yes. So does the federal government. Ever hear about a log book? How about ton-mileage taxes? I am in one of the most controlled businesses there is. Wanna haul water? Better have a tanker endorsement. Oh, you want to haul paint? Where's your haz-mat endorsement (which now comes with an additional $100. fee so that Homeland inSecurity can verify your background) Yu want toi haul doubles...ENDORSEMENT. Air brakes....endorsement....

Don't tell me about control. I get it coming & going.

So you having to keep a log book equals a coal miner's ordeal.

Can it.

And not one fuggin word about taxes, Mr. Almighty Federalist. Not one GD word.

Yep. Then, now & tomorrow. Improve your marketable skills.

YOU go dig coal and improve your marketable skills. There was zero option open to these people thanks to your assbuddy abe and reconstruction. WV and eastern KY are still among the most impoverished areas of the country in case you never noticed from your air-conditioned Ramada on wheels.

Why don't you take your salary and put a few young'uns through Harvard medical. Similar to what you smarmily demand of others.

It's all about the where with you...

You do realize that before the industrial revolution, we spent 90% of our time with one goal. To eat. Since then, we spend our time trying to get better toys. Thats' it. Humans need shelter, water & food. EVERYTHING else is greed, which I'm all for. Don't want to dig them mines? GET OUT. Don't want to drive that truck? GET OUT. Don't like them criminal types? GET OUT.

Choice. It's yours

Lemme see now, exactly HOW WAS IT you put it oh so long ago...hmm...we were talkin about your worthless piece of shit hero...something about his hatred of the black race...OH YEAH!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!

Gonz said:
It is not reasonable to compare a man of another time by the standards of today.

So you first sunshine. One of us knows exactly how much "choice" these people had; another couldn't give a damn less because it weakens his argument.

As God is my witness, when the American Dream runs its course and Indiana gets treated same as other places already have, I'm lookin you up if I have to ride a GD hamster all the way up there. I wanna see it with me own peepers. I'll bet your tune changes then, when it's your backyard gettin screwed.
Can you show me where a 70 year old man is being told he will not get a new kidney because of his age? I just provided a story about a woman not being given cancer medicine becasue it's not cost-conscious. I've read several stories like this.

If you could provide some info that shows "governments that provide healthcare are stepping back from it" you would have a start. All we have now is wishful thinking on your part.

We don't ration healthcare. Ther are treatments that are unaffordable to the average joe. That's true with or without nationalized care. However, you can find alternatives when you are in control of your care, When Uncle Sam is in charge, your options are nil.

Now I wonder under which system people get denied healthcare more often? You probably wouldn't want to look at that though would you?
So you first sunshine. One of us knows exactly how much "choice" these people had; another couldn't give a damn less because it weakens his argument.

I don't know what got your panties in a bunch. I've always used the coalminers as an example of how real men acted. They knew the cost but went into that mine anyway. They knew the risks yert, to feed their family, the endured the hardships.

However, it was still a choice. They had options. They chose to stay.

You carry on as if the south was unable to create jobs. Wasn't anyone under the mason-dixon capable of inventing anything? Didn't they know how to put up a building capable of manufacturing? Was it illegal? Nobody stopped them but them. My grandfather grew sick of farming so he sold out & left. 200 acres in eastern Mississippi woodland wasn't exactly a kingdom.

  • leftist labor agitators in this country were right of center. especially that IWW group.
  • ford was a great friend to the working man.
  • the manifesto is really what you should read if you want to understand marx.
when you can comment on those things with the slightest bit of erudition, get back to me. i'll hold my breath.

I said right of you....not right of center (at the time)

Yes, Ford was a great industrialist who understood the score. YOu misunderstood what I wrote.

I have read it. It's an ant colony.
I said right of you....not right of center (at the time)

Yes, Ford was a great industrialist who understood the score. YOu misunderstood what I wrote.

I have read it. It's an ant colony.

okay gonz. you tell me what my positions on various issues are. or have you been too busy tossing off to read what anyone else here posts about various issues?

what score did ford understand, by the way? what was his approach to labor like? please, do tell.

it's great that you read the pamphlet. should you have any interest in reading the relevant marx, so that you can have a shred of understanding what you're trying to criticize, you let me know. i'll get you started. we'll see where your attention span and your desire for a world made of cartoon characters collides.