You really are historically ignorant ain't you?
K, tell ya what we gowna do. You drive that truck where we say when we say how we say as much as we say. Haul what we tell you where we tell you. 100% control of your hours, work week, time off, work conditions, everything. You OK with that?
THEN, we'll give you and your family a place to live. You may not alter it sell it change it disturb it or modify it in any way or you're out on your ass. Oh, did we mention you'll never drive again? Maybe not even walk if one of our Pinkerton boys gets a hair up his ass. You will be paid preCISEly enough cash to keep from qualifying for any assistance program (which were few and far between in those days). The rest is doled out in coupons you may only use in stores owned by the company. We shall control your food as well y'see. No luxury items like a TV or a fan or space heater...deal with what you got or get the fuck out. With assistance from our goons if needed.
You are a disposable commodity, worth less than what you produce/provide. Your family is worth even less than that. And don't even think about aspiring for better for that boy of yours...he's gonna die of black lung just like you will. We'll make sure you never manage to scrape enough coin together to buy a friggin watermelon much less a college education. That purty lil girl of yours? Well, we know what she's destined for too now don't we? She'll marry another miner's son and squeeze out some more miners for us.
For the love of all things holy man, read a fuggin book sometime. Besides Coulter and Limbaugh. You're as much a puppet as spike and mark are. If it comes out of warshinton you'll parrot it no matter how idiotic it is. You wouldn't know mistreatment if it bit you on the dingle. You sit there and scream about the commies, then endorse what happened in WV and KY and proudly shout capitalism while you do it. I see through it bub. It ain't about the people, it's about the place. If it was you, it'd be different though wouldn't it? Would you let your boy work under conditions like that? Would you do it yourself? Hell no. You're BETTER than that.
Like hell.