Mass. gay marriage ban overturned

A.B.Normal said:
Figured I give Bish a break from posting these.

Why thank you AB :)

Seems that the new modifed constitution geos a few steps in the right direction, but that the National laws may make the Mass. change entirely moot.

This'll help some, but not enought IMHO, at least until the Senate bill fails. Poor Bush...he's against gay unions but can't find a way to block it and still get reelected. :)
from the ruling itself:
The Massachusetts Constitution affirms the dignity and equality of all individuals. It forbids the creation of second-class citizens.

:clap: wish I could give good karma to the authors of that document
As I have said time and time again, why does anyone care? Marry whoever you want to, I did.
chcr said:
As I have said time and time again, why does anyone care? Marry whoever you want to, I did.

Here here! It's a shame that the majority don't think just like you, even in cases of heterosexual unions.
There are still a fairly large portion of the populace that are against intra-racial marriage. Could you imagine what they'd say if a black woman wanted to marry a white-jewish woman...

they'd burst a blood vessle
Hmmm....can't seem to find the hordes of followers lining up to say how tired they are of threads concerning gay issues.....where o where could they be.
Squiggy said:
Guess it was just because you posted it...:p only adds to the evidence....

i think peopel shoudl be free to do whatever they want

I want to kill you...can i?...or rob you..can I ?

J/k...I understand the context you posted that statement in but even then you'll find it has very conflicting results.
Spot said:

the powers that be up in the state house are already talking of an ammendment to the commonwealths constitution to ban same-sex unions. they cant put it on the ballot till 2006 though. hopefully by then they will have realized that the world hasn't come to an end.

new ruling today from :D

Massachusetts’ highest court declared Wednesday that gay couples were entitled to nothing less than full marriages and that Vermont-style civil unions would not suffice, setting the stage for the nation’s first legally sanctioned same-sex weddings by the spring.

however, here's the response from the White House :disgust2:
The White House said it would review the decision with an eye toward supporting a potential amendment to the U.S. Constitution to outlaw gay marriages. Press secretary Scott McClellan called the ruling “deeply troubling” and denounced “activist judges [who] continue to seek to redefine marriage by court order, without regard for the will of the people.”
The White House said it would review the decision with an eye toward supporting a potential amendment to the U.S. Constitution to outlaw gay marriages. Press secretary Scott McClellan called the ruling “deeply troubling” and denounced “activist judges [who] continue to seek to redefine marriage by court order, without regard for the will of the people.”

Remember when this was America? :disgust2: