Mass graves uncovered at Gitmo!!!

And once again, we see that somewhere between the oversensationalization of a story by the popular press and the self-righteous denials of those in charge (or those who think they are anyway) is where the truth really lies.
chcr said:
And once again, we see that somewhere between the oversensationalization of a story by the popular press and the self-righteous denials of those in charge (or those who think they are anyway) is where the truth really lies.

How are those denials 'self-righteous'? Seems to me that everybody who did something untoward was dealt with on a rather rapid basis. It also seems to me that the media, for all their hate of the current administration, is extremely willing to put innocent lives on the line to further their own agenda.
Gato_Solo said:
How are those denials 'self-righteous'? Seems to me that everybody who did something untoward was dealt with on a rather rapid basis. It also seems to me that the media, for all their hate of the current administration, is extremely willing to put innocent lives on the line to further their own agenda.

The point is that the story, and the immediate denials are part of the same cloth. Spin first and worry about veracity afterward (if at all). Self-righteous indeed, IMO. :shrug:
At the end of the day no one has been tortured or killed.
Or lead around nekkid onna leash Sheesh!

From what I've read a great solution would be to release some of these guys and then ship the rest to a third party country to be shoveled into the ovens or whatever.

Gitmo is just another thing for the Terrorist sympathizers to harp and whine about...

chcr said:
The point is that the story, and the immediate denials are part of the same cloth. Spin first and worry about veracity afterward (if at all). Self-righteous indeed, IMO. :shrug:

Sorry, but denials of unproven allegations are not 'spin'. They are reactions to an unwarranted attack. Now answer me this...who flushed the Koran down the toilet?
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

:hmm: :D
Day 5
Eighteen million men and women were cast into the concentration camps of the Soviet Gulag. They carved canals, highways and railroads through the Russian wilderness, mined gold, uranium and lead, and even designed military aircraft and rockets. Millions of them perished. Russia's modern economy is built, quite literally, on the bones of slaves.

I'm having a hard time finding the death rate at Camps' X-Ray & seems to be two.

Hard to call it a gulag...although, coming from the same crowd that calls Bush names like Hitler, it's hardly surprising. They seem to have flunked history.
Gato_Solo said:
Sorry, but denials of unproven allegations are not 'spin'. They are reactions to an unwarranted attack. Now answer me this...who flushed the Koran down the toilet?

True, but not the point. You think the "powers that be" didn't know about the "Quran abuse" when the story first broke? Sorry, but we don't know the full truth and we never will, but as I said, it clearly lies between the original report and the stories that have followed. In my experience, when a story keeps changing it is wildly unlikely to be correct in any particular. Self- righteous, "we would never do anything like that," denials have been proven to be lies.
NON-PARTISAN Amnesty Int'l my friggin ass. Tell me this all wasn't for political publicity.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite highly publicized charges of U.S. mistreatment of prisoners at Guantanamo, the head of the Amnesty International USA said on Sunday the group doesn't "know for sure" that the military is running a "gulag."

Another penned tick on the "Don't Trust" list.

Its just eaiser to spiral into 'don't trust anyone other than mom, baseball, and apple pie' rather than give any news source half a grain of salt.
chcr said:
True, but not the point. You think the "powers that be" didn't know about the "Quran abuse" when the story first broke? Sorry, but we don't know the full truth and we never will, but as I said, it clearly lies between the original report and the stories that have followed. In my experience, when a story keeps changing it is wildly unlikely to be correct in any particular. Self- righteous, "we would never do anything like that," denials have been proven to be lies.

I do not think the powers knew except those at Gitmo. The full truth lies between the 2 sides. Remember there are 3 sides to a story: Yours, theirs and the truth which is between the 2.
freako104 said:
I do not think the powers knew except those at Gitmo. The full truth lies between the 2 sides. Remember there are 3 sides to a story: Yours, theirs and the truth which is between the 2.

The 'powers that be' knew, freako. That's why they had people getting 'fired' from guard and interrogator jobs. That's the point that chcr missed. The first question that should've been asked was 'When were these idiots replaced?", and the second question should've been "What steps did you take to ensure that this doesn't happen again?". Niether of those questions, if even asked, were in the actual story. Just the parts that would cause a negative reaction.
Gato_Solo said:
The 'powers that be' knew, freako. That's why they had people getting 'fired' from guard and interrogator jobs. That's the point that chcr missed. The first question that should've been asked was 'When were these idiots replaced?", and the second question should've been "What steps did you take to ensure that this doesn't happen again?". Niether of those questions, if even asked, were in the actual story. Just the parts that would cause a negative reaction.

Such is the way of the media. You and I both know this and it is why I have pretty much no respect for the media.