Mass graves uncovered at Gitmo!!!

Oh my, freako does not respect the media.
you WILL respect my media
you will

Gato_Solo said:
The 'powers that be' knew, freako. That's why they had people getting 'fired' from guard and interrogator jobs. That's the point that chcr missed. The first question that should've been asked was 'When were these idiots replaced?", and the second question should've been "What steps did you take to ensure that this doesn't happen again?". Niether of those questions, if even asked, were in the actual story. Just the parts that would cause a negative reaction.

Again, not the point. The military, as far as I could tell, handled the situation correctly. A lot of self-important, self-righteous people in and outside the administration, on both sides of the real story, confused the issue with rhetoric and bullshit. The original story was not as baseless as many of the denyers want us to believe, on the other hand it was certainly wildly inaccurate and not researched properly. Think what you want, I do.
Winky said:
Oh my, freako does not respect the media.
you WILL respect my media
you will


:rofl4: I will if it gives me a reason.

Chic: Now I see what you are getting at and I will agree with you on that point
"President Bush Open to Possibly Closing Gitmo Camp."

He stoled my idea.

Yeah if we are gonna torture, murder and bury innocent victims
sheesh even I know ya gotta to it with a low profile!
One problem with the whole scenario...What do we do with the prisoners that the home countries don't want returned? Most of them in Gitmo are in that status...
Here's Amnesty's "gulag:" Upon arrival at Camp Delta, detainees are issued a blanket, a sheet, two orange jump suits, flip-flops, a foam sleeping pad, two bath towels, a washcloth, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, a prayer rug and a Koran. They are allowed two 15-minute showers per week; they get recreation time and three culturally sensitive meals per day. Schedules are respectful of Islamic traditions, prayer calls are broadcast five times a day, and arrows painted on the floors point to Mecca. Their regular quarters include a flushing toilet, running water and an off-the-floor bed. Detainees who ask for them are provided with soccer balls, playing cards, chessboards and paperback books. All of this courtesy of the American taxpayers the detainees have sworn to kill.
Doh, just wundered aboot something...

Where are all the Army and Marine and coalition POWs?

Where is the AIF and Taliban version of Gitmo?
Their regular quarters include a flushing toilet, running water and an off-the-floor bed.

That's why they're suing. If they file a lawsuit, today, in federal court, it'll take at least 15 years to be heard all the way thru the system. If they don't file a suit, many of them will be out in a year & its back to hard beans, dirt floors & camel piss.
Oh Crap that's right them ACLU provided lyers will keep
em' in Club Gitmo for as long as they want.

You left out the great dental care and first-rate doctors!

Hell next we will hear about one of them being transferred
up to the states for some open heart or organ transplants?