Masturbation - loving the one you're with

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Mirlyn said:
I never said that. What I said was that I didn't know which is worse, the picture (makes you look fat) or the fact that you probably looked through 30 other ones like it to find the right one to post. :)

I actually thought BCD looked more like this



Well I bet I stopped you all from ever masturbating again :lloyd:
My bad ,after much consideration ,it reminds more of Whoreable.You just can't help reading his posts without wondering WTF ,the pic kinda has the same affect :sick2:

Oh, geez, A.B., I could partially handle the other one, but yeesh. [Claws her eyes out.]

That's just wrong. >_<!
Ooh...shake it big-mama!!!

Slap a thigh and ride the wave!

Roll-her in flour and hit the wet-spot!

greenfreak said:
I used to have a vibrator but I broke it. Now I just use my imagination. :D
Just out of curiousity...did it just fizzle out or did you seriously snap it in two or something?

Now...that'd be a marketeable skill :)
MrBishop said:
All-right all right...I said that I wouldn't take pics in your house anymore, but this was a special occasion. :p

One of these days I am going to regret leasing my place out to these amateur photographers and their ugly-ass families. :rolleyes:

My sincerest appologies to any and all that took offense at my use of enormous women as humourous figures. These people have families, friends and feelings and should not bear the brunt of my meager humour on their already overladen shoulders.
A.B.Normal said:
Hey MrBishop,

You forgot about the ShowerCam

Jesus Christ!!!:biker:

That is horrible dude!

She didn't drop the soap all the must've landed in her 16th chin.

I'm sorry...but that is just ... there IS no excuse for that amount of fat on someone's body! Fuck the whole thyroid problem excuse...this woman must have eaten a vat of ding-dongs on-tap to get that huge!