/me = disabled


Staff member
In order to lighten the load on the server, I needed to disable /me (it was causing roughly a 30-50% increase in page generation times where it was used)

When we get on a bigger server (which costs moolah, btw, in case you didn't know), perhaps I can put it back in, but until then, you'll just have to stare at lines like

/me does something

and just imagine that it says "* fury does something"
Ya scared me fury, I thought you got hurt or something. (get it, I thought you meant *you* were disabled) :eek:

I'm glad you're ok. :)
Hey, ya never know. I could get broadsided by some jackass on the road one day and I might just need someone to take care of me. :brow:

*humps greenie* :headbng2:
me always thought it was much better just to say "methinks" or "/me ..."

me won't miss the feature :nuts2:
I've replaced it with a more server-friendly function which doesn't add as much onto the page generation (0.05 seconds on my local server versus .2 seconds with the old method). The only quirks are the / me gets replaced anywhere in the post. Like this: /me does something.

But it only gets highlighted if it's the first thing in the line

/me does something

You can also highlight something by placing a star and a space in front of it.

* Not fury does something.