Me & Mrs. Palin

wow, Palin's still coming up.
She must be a REAL threat to the left.

September 3, 2008: The Night Ordinary Barbarians Found a Voice

Last Saturday, August 29th, we recognized the one year anniversary of Governor Palin’s selection by John McCain to be his running mate in the 2008 Presidential campaign with a flurry of posts. See here, here, here, here, here, and here.

For many people, however, her introduction to the nation came five days later in a speech watched by over 40 million Americans. In my opinion and without qualification, her dazzling RNC speech was the best speech I have ever seen. It was a moving, passionate, and utterly fearless stemwinder by a truly gifted orator.

With that masterpiece, she became the leader of millions of Americans who believe in a limited, citizen-led government and has never relinquished that role. Her recent almost single-handed battle against ObamaCare and "cap and tax" are proof of her enduring leadership of us ordinary barbarians.
Our next President



"2012... america votes... dumb..."

Prelude to 2012: how did Democrats let Sarah Palin destroy health care reform with Facebook?

It’s not even 2012, and Sarah Palin, the “lightweight” Caribou Barbie stupid dumb right-wing inexperienced unqualified unaccomplished religious wacko birther enabling nut that came from Wasilla, has already defeated President Obama.

She has trounced Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

She has trumped MoveOn, ACORN, and Obama’s mass army of volunteers at Organizing for America.

She has out-demagogued the three stooges of MSNBC Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, and Rachel Maddow.

Oh, and she did it with Facebook notes.

Read that again: she did it with Facebook notes.

If Palin can manage to throw Obama off message with Facebook, I shudder to think what Palin can accomplish with the entire right-of-center electoral apparatus behind her at the top of a national ticket.

You don't have to agree with Palin's policies to be wowed by this -- or to get a kick out of seeing the misogynist, working class-hating East Coast manchild geeks get their butts handed to them by this PTA mom. This is populism at its most stunning.

When the Democratic Congress finally passes its Palinized, Obamagutted health care non-reform bill with nothing in it resembling cost control, competition, or anything remotely progressive, the epitaph should read:

“Here lies health care reform: killed by Facebook, buried by Obama.”

The summer of '09 will be noted for the day an unemployed hockeymom sitting at a computer in Wasilla, Alaska wrote a posting on a social networking site that sent 0bamacare to the "deathpanels."
Recent polls put Palin as #1 for the list of Rep candidates for 1012 (64% approval).
90% of Dems would love to see her as the Rep candidate.

She appeals to the 'base' Republicans. So, unless she puts her foot in it some more, they'll toss her up - as a sacrificial lamb. So in 2016, they can say "Well...we followed what the base had to say and put up Palin and lost. Now, lets actually put in a serious candidate and see what comes of it" Effectivly shutting up the Religious right.
She resigned from office. There are two reasons to resign from office - either you were elected for a different position, and became unable to hold two offices concurrently, or you fucked up really bad and just want to bail out with a semblance of dignity before you get kicked out.

I'm going to register as a Republican so that I can vote against Palin in the GOP primary.
:rofl: Gotta nother one for us...that one was a doozie. Damn near spit my Coffee all over the monitor.


No shit. It's funny that Cerise would be so proud of a blatant lie that Sarah told that made fringe extremists look like morons.