Mel Gibson seeks forgiveness


New Member
Actor Mel Gibson apologized on Tuesday for making anti-Semitic remarks in a drunken rant and asked to meet Jewish leaders, but several called on the Hollywood superstar to first show deeds and not offer words.

Separately, U.S. television network ABC pulled a program about the Holocaust that Gibson's company was producing, and a Los Angeles official defended the sheriff's department's handling of Gibson's arrest against charges that he was shown favoritism.

"I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested," Gibson said in a statement.
Vino veritas is right, showed his true colours when his guard was down, now he wants to suck up, so he can still make money.

Like I say to the kids when they apologize. If you where sorry you wouldn't have done it in the first place.
Whether he's serioulsly anti-semitic or not is between him & his creator.

Notice one thing though. He realizes he fucked up & has asked forgiveness & shown remorse instead of offering excuses. Maybe several key Democrats can learn something.

In the end, does anyone give a shit what Mel said?
Gonz said:
Whether he's serioulsly anti-semitic or not is between him & his creator.

Notice one thing though. He realizes he fucked up & has asked forgiveness & shown remorse instead of offering excuses. Maybe several key Democrats can learn something.
What the hell does politics have to do with what he did? :confused:
In that case, perhaps the Republicans can learn something. ;)

In the end, does anyone give a shit what Mel said?
No, not really.

There's a rumour that his father believed the holocaust never happened. Though I never saw Mel Gibson's "Christ" movie, I heard it painted the jews (except Jesus) in a very bad light. I'd bet money the holocaust movie was going to be along those lines as well... like the Jews were asking for it. Just a guess... nothing more.
valkyrie said:
There's a rumour that his father believed the holocaust never happened. Though I never saw Mel Gibson's "Christ" movie, I heard it painted the jews (except Jesus) in a very bad light. I'd bet money the holocaust movie was going to be along those lines as well... like the Jews were asking for it. Just a guess... nothing more.

Oddly enough, that was my first thought too.
Oh, wow, he's allowed to have his own opinion that differs from what is politically correct? How could this happen? He must be punished!

Not saying he's right to hate Jews, saying that he's got the right to hate whoever he damn well pleases.

On that note, I'm surprised that we're 18 hours into a thread and we haven't been informed about how the Holocaust and the Civil War was pretty much the same thing, just with Jews instead of Southerners...
On the one hand, I doubt it will keep me from watching his movies, OTOH I've always considered him an overblown, self-righteous asshole. Maybe this will make him think about his own arrogance but I doubt it.
valkyrie said:
What the hell does politics have to do with what he did? :confused:

He fucked up & started making apologies instead of excuses, as has been the case for several (D)s in recent months.
Gonz said:
He fucked up & started making apologies instead of excuses, as has been the case for several (D)s in recent months.

:laugh: (R)s haven't? Good one.

Sort of comes off a little obsessive trying to make a dig so off the topic.
spike said:
:laugh: (R)s haven't? Good one.

Sort of comes off a little obsessive trying to make a dig so off the topic.

There's a lot of that going about these days.

I sure hope I'm not gonna have to take up the role of Moderator again. I'm pretty sure noone'd be happy if I had to do that.

But then fury never did change his password.
spike said:
:laugh: (R)s haven't? Good one.

Sort of comes off a little obsessive trying to make a dig so off the topic.

Oh, sort of like that little "joke" about pedophiles being conservative?
Inkara1 said:
Oh, sort of like that little "joke" about pedophiles being conservative?

A response to Gonz going off topic again. You're right he seems to do that a lot.
Inkara1 said:
Of course, you're not culpable for your own actions.

Culpability has nothing to do with it. Just responding to a post, I thought that's what we were here for.

You seem to pop into threads for apparantly the sole purpose of trying to chastize me. Got a problem with my avatar or something?
You made a pretty far-out claim, then tried to call it a joke, then tried to blame Gonz for you posting it.
Inkara1 said:
You made a pretty far-out claim, then tried to call it a joke, then tried to blame Gonz for you posting it.

You apparently have a real problem seeing the obvious relation between the Gonz far out claim and the one made in response. I don't know how to put it in any simpler terms for you.

I'm not trying to call it a joke. It was a joke made to emphasize how ridiculous the statement above it was. I'm not "blaming" Gonz. I responded to his post.

If you're still confused you're just going to have to get over it.