Mel Gibson seeks forgiveness


I don't really care enough about him to bother to decide if this is an issue I "need" to forgive, or whether or not I will do so.

He's tarnished his image with me though, and therefore I'll never see him without thinking about this incident, and I'll not be contributing to his income/watching his movies.

*adds one more to personal boycott list*
*will be sitting alone in an empty white room soon*
Forgiveness can only be given by those hurt. The rest of us can discriminate by using our personal judgement.
in a drunken rant

So show me a guy/girl who hasn't said something in a drunken rant they don't seriously regret later.

Drunk = stupid

At least he had the guts to offer an apology for his behaviour.
He could go around murdering disabled children with axes and I would still watch BRAVEHEART, it's that good.
Aunty Em said:
So show me a guy/girl who hasn't said something in a drunken rant they don't seriously regret later.

Drunk = stupid

At least he had the guts to offer an apology for his behaviour.

I should point out that alcohol can be sort of a truth serum. It removes inhibitions... leading people to say what they really think, instead of keeping themselves restrained in the name of social norms.
Inkara1 said:
I should point out that alcohol can be sort of a truth serum. It removes inhibitions... leading people to say what they really think, instead of keeping themselves restrained in the name of social norms.
Which would be the definition of In vino veritas :p
Inkara1 said:
I should point out that alcohol can be sort of a truth serum. It removes inhibitions... leading people to say what they really think, instead of keeping themselves restrained in the name of social norms.

I tend to lean in that direction but I've seen (and done) things that are out of character & were one time, situation controlled outbursts.
well i've done a bunch of dumb shit when drunk. getting found with my head in a pair of tits owned by a blond dressed up as a schoolgirl by my girlfriend... though we were close to breaking up anyway. we've all done shit like that. but most of us never went on an anti-semetic rant. that's fucking retarded any way you slice it. sure, mel did own up and apologize. so he's a fucking retard that has some guts. stalin had some guts...