Memorizing numbers


New Member
Someone asked me what my license plate number was today and I honestly had no idea. It's the only one of all my cars that I don't remember though.

Does everyone know what theirs is? How about your Social Security number? Driver's license number, bank account numbers, credit card numbers? What else do you memorize?

I'm big on calling my bank to get my checking account balance and info on what checks have cleared. I've memorized the 10 digit account number and four digit pin for my checking account, and each of the numbers to press to get to that selection. I don't know any of my credit card numbers but only because I'm always transferring balances and cancelling them to get better deals.

I also memorized about 25 IP addresses for different things at work that I use often. I guess that's about it though.
In highschool I had the entire periodic table memorised. V2.0 has the first 10 down pat already.
I know my plate #, SSN, checking account. Thats about it. I have trouble with my own phone number half the time.
I know my SS number, student ID, plate number, credit card number, and I know most of the periodic table (duh, I have one on my wall)... ;)
i learnt a load of ip addresses for work too...

i know my credit card number and my online banking number... not a lot apart from that. i don't even know my own phone number, let alone anyone else's...

RecklessLeper, now he's good. remembers more numbers than anyone i've ever met... scary it is
I know my phone number, and my address :p And the phone numbers of most of my friends. I try to avoid quick dial.
I used to have a gazillion part numbers memorized when I was managing a speed parts warehouse..I know my DL, SSN, Check Acct, Tag, bank Card....I wish you could just dump stuff out of your head.
Hmm... my checking account number, credit card number, SSN, license plate number, driver's license number, work phone number and address, every phone number I've ever had, phone numbers for three or four ex-girlfriends, the license plate numbers for four of my parents' current vehicles as well as two they no longer own (including one traded in in 1991). I also remember the phone numbers for the Collegian (student paper) editor's desk and the dorm front office, and my ICQ number.

Plus some other numbers that I could remember if I sat and thought, "what's that number?"

Hmmm, I know my DL, checking acct, SSN, Jeffs SSN, my dads SSN, Jeffs checking acct, ICQ, my truck loan acct# and a shitload of phone numbers.
i remember the last four digits of tons of phone numbers, other than that i have trouble remembering my name most days
I know my SIN, DL, all bank card numbers, credit cards, bank account numbers a kajillion phone numbers... including one I had when I was 7 yrs old... oh yeah.. and my licence plate number...

library PIN, some of my passwords (not nearly enough of them, tho), liscence plate, random words, poetry, AiW quotes, mom's atm numberthingy, the phone numbers of quite a few friendpeeps. :)
:shrug: I'm honestly useless at remembering numbers!

On the flip side, I'm pretty good at remembering recipies, and recent dates (hardly have need for timetable that's written down or filofax) :confbang:
I memorize a lot of numbers. I have to, otherwise I wouldn't be able to run websites. :retard6:

Although these aren't just numbers, I memorized my Xi password, my OTC password, my TSS password, the administration password for the hosting account, and the database password. Also the logins for

I've also memorized several line numbers of PHP scripts which I often modify and need to get back to quickly.

There's also my own ICQ numbers that I have to memorize (3 of them - two 8 digits and one 9 digit), and the passwords for each of those, and the three AIM names, and those passwords... then I have to memorize all my nickname passwords for IRC... I'm probably starting to sound really boring huh? :retard6:
i memorized my ICQ as well, i don't know what the plate is, but i have it saved in my cell phone.

Medical insurance........hmmm, i think it isn't active right now so it is pointless to know it.

Drivers licence number?, why would i memorize it if i carry it with me all the time?

I remember that number very well. Oh, and 2. That ones pretty easy.