Memos Reveal Scope of Power Bush Sought in Fighting Terror

President Bush rushed to subvert the Constitution, then went to the White House legal counsel and asked them to find legal means to justify his known wrong doing. Then Gonzalez advises Bush he is under the veil of potential prosecution of war crimes and advises him to ignore the Geneva Conventions. As that begins to bite Bush in the posterior, a new approach is made with the Military Commissions Act 2006 which led to more errors but a pardon for any war crimes or orders to torture.

As more and more of this comes to light, the more Americans will learn how many of the guarantees of the Constitution were taken away. Meantime, the ones who think we remained safe of further attacks on American soil were the result should try to assimilate the idea our safety might be in greater jeopardy as a result of illegal activities resulting from the illegal activities and legal opinions rendered by White House counsel.
DOJ counsel John Yoo and White House counsel Steven Bradbury could lose their license to practice law as a result of those first year law school opinions.

I do appreciate that there has not been another attack on U.S. soil since 9/11/01. I defy anyone to show one documented case where any of the illegal methods used in violation of the Constitution prevented the plots that were uncovered. Every report I have seen that dissects those plots came to the same conclusion: they were uncovered through surveillance and/or informants alerting the authorities.

If it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to expound on how these illegal activities saved us, permit me to paraphrase a sound bite from the movie "Jerry McGuire", "show me the proof".

hey spike

irrelevent, to borrow a phrase. na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye and all that. its a new day

w is in texas.

Hell yeah, it's good day to look at the crimes of the previous administration and bring anyone to justice that needs it. Even if they're in Texas.

I'm not really sure what relevance the stupidy of your post had to the topic at hand. I guess you don't like women to wear sleeveless outfits. Brilliant. :laugh:
irrelevent, to borrow a phrase. its a new day
w is in texas. hussein is in dc walking on water and feeding the poor and ignoring the stock market. by his own admission. time to stop blaming w for everything.

Irrelevant? Not so. This nation will be dealing with the after effects of the Bush 43 administration and their screwups for years down the road. Dubya might be in Dallas but he is still accountable for his actions while in office. And your thought everybody should stop blaming poor ole Georgie for everything is wishful thinking on your part. You want the crap he pulled and his inadequate performance to go away. So no, the song is not over. Up to now we have only heard the overture. The rest of the tune will come over time but what bits and pieces we've heard sound like a funeral dirge.
This nation will be dealing with the after effects of the Bush 43 administration and their screwups for years down the road.

not so. hussein is gonna make it all better. he told us he would. thats why you brainless fapheads voted for him. hes gonna put us all on the tit and make us all forget the boogeyman under the bed. the all knowing all powerful hussein shall right the countrys wrong faster than nancy pelosi can spend pork money. he said he would

nope fellers, ole w is off the hook. we shall refer to 1/20/09 as b.o. from this day forward as in before obama. the savior of all things is among us. let us fawn accordingly
But using the military against US citizens,
Not in the Constitution. There is a law.

conducting raids without obtaining search warrants,
Lincoln. FDR. Wilson too, I think..

abolishing foreign treaties
Executive power.

ignoring any guidance from Congress in dealing with detainees suspected of terrorism, and conducting a program of domestic eavesdropping without warrants seems like maybe it should raise the abuse of power flag even with you.
The Executive branch is not obligated to take any guidance from the Legislative or Judicial branch.

Damn good thing he didn't abolish habeas corpus, as he is entitled to do under the Constitution. War is hell.
Not in the Constitution. There is a law.

Lincoln. FDR. Wilson too, I think..

Executive power.

The Executive branch is not obligated to take any guidance from the Legislative or Judicial branch.

Damn good thing he didn't abolish habeas corpus, as he is entitled to do under the Constitution. War is hell.

Ah, I figured you make excuses for giving away your Constitutional rights freely.

And you thought that local cop with the sign was fascism. :smash: :rofl3: :laugh:

H20 said:
not so. hussein is gonna make it all better. he told us he would. thats why you brainless fapheads voted for him. hes gonna put us all on the tit and make us all forget the boogeyman under the bed. the all knowing all powerful hussein shall right the countrys wrong faster than nancy pelosi can spend pork money. he said he would

I don't know why you insist on making up fantasy shit so much but I'm glad you agree Obama is a huge step up from Bush.

nope fellers, ole w is off the hook.

Not by a long shot. That's just wishful thinking. He's getting more and more ON the hook every day.
Nobody and I mean NOBODY brings less to a discussion than the waterboy....

He is like a see and say, you pull the string and he spews rightwing nonsense. I mean this seriously too, of all the folks I adree or disagree with around here, nobody has less substance. What are you H20, 14? 17? Probably ought to spend more time on your homework anyway....

A discussion with a retard would be far more satisfying!
Unhhhh............. that's Aitch's job. :shrug: 0bama will set the bar with respect to transparancy.

Otherwise just consider it a national security surety.
How is it Obama's job to show how dubya's raping of the rights and freedoms of Americans in any way helped stop successful terrorist attacks on your motherland?

Obama is setting the bar pretty high now... it's time to see how well Bushco can highjump...unless, of course, they prefer to limbo.
not so. hussein is gonna make it all better. he told us he would. thats why you brainless fapheads voted for him. hes gonna put us all on the tit and make us all forget the boogeyman under the bed. the all knowing all powerful hussein shall right the countrys wrong faster than nancy pelosi can spend pork money. he said he would
nope fellers, ole w is off the hook. we shall refer to 1/20/09 as b.o. from this day forward as in before obama. the savior of all things is among us. let us fawn accordingly

People who use name calling to make a point have no point to make. They show a distinct deficit in ability to engage in average intellectual discourse.
For someone who calls others brainless fapheads, it appears the mirror has two faces. One is trying to offer a form of intelligence(?) and the other destroys the first image with immature, rambling, commentary.

So, waterboy, you keep holding onto that wish that Dubya is off the hook but in real life it ain't gonna happen. In real life, Dubya screwed up big time. And in real life, it ain't going away.
sticks and stones my good man

time will tell just how accurate each of us are

you may continue your fawning now
Actually, noone can. It is classified information as it relates to national security.
So... you're basically assuming that the things that Bush changed actually had any impact on the fact that you've had no successful attacks on your land since 2001.

With that kind of weight of proof, I could as easily say that the fact that Montreal hasn't had a baseball team since 2001 helped protect the American people from further terrorist attacks.

I knew that I hated the Expos for a good reason! ;)
Actually, no one can. It is classified information as it relates to national security.

And yet, once again, if Bush 43 receives such high marks for preventing attacks on American soil, then he must also take responsibility for the attacks of 9-11-01. See, that's the problem, republicans want it both ways. They are unwilling to accept any responsibility for the attacks but want full credit for there being no further attacks. Sorry Charlie, but in The Real World, it don't work like that.

Thank the Lord responsible citizens see through the veil of secrecy and deceit while republican defenders sit back and mutter to themselves, trying to hide the crap like a cat without a sandbox and extolling the virtues of how Bush 43 saved us all. They do this by ignoring the obvious.