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steweygrrrr said:WOTD Police ruling: Invalid entry from Chic
Who made you WOTD Police?? I only approved a13 cus he looks damn good in the tight cop uniform.
steweygrrrr said:WOTD Police ruling: Invalid entry from Chic
steweygrrrr said:he wasnt here
Are you sure your dead languages don't need work??????Punanii is plural
1 entry found for punani.
( P ) punani: log in for this definition of punani and other entries in Webster's Millennium™ Dictionary of English, available only to Premium members.
punani 1) (n) Vagina.
2) (n) Sex, this is used more commonly.
3) (n) A Jamaican dance, the art of moving your stomach and behind on the dancefloor.
Even dictionaries have a manner of making something exciting like Punani sound boring. Sheesh...those writers need to get more punanåe in their diet...might livens things up a bit down in Webster-land.greenfreak said: