Men!!!! :mad:

If it ends in a vowel I think it should really be punanae, but I could be mistaken. Latin was a long time ago, and I didn't pay much attention then. :shrug:
1 entry found for punani.

( P ) punani: log in for this definition of punani and other entries in Webster's Millennium™ Dictionary of English, available only to Premium members.

*lmao* That's on

Funnily enough, my Webster's dictionary doesn't have the word in it at all.
greenfreak said:
From the Rap Dictionary

Even dictionaries have a manner of making something exciting like Punani sound boring. Sheesh...those writers need to get more punanåe in their diet...might livens things up a bit down in Webster-land.

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for the karma, if it applies

I'm currently taking punani lessons to make my trip to Jamaica more enjoyable. ;)

Yes, I'm referring to the dancing definition of the word. :p